Latimer’s Regular Visits to Ruby’s

Latimer Quaker Brimley

(PHOTO: Which one is your local pol?)

You know it is January when there are annoyingly long lines for the elliptical machines at the Rye YMCA. And yet another sign of our post holiday feasting is too much talk about healthy eating. Luckily, both of these phenomenons fade away by mid February.

Anyway… the latest ones to beat the health drum are Purchase Street's Ruby's Oyster Bar and our very own Assemblyman George Latimer. And while we hope Latimer brings us pork, he keeps fit by eating oatmeal.

"Ruby’s Oyster Bistro Offers Best Breakfast in Town… NY Assemblyman Latimer’s healthy day begins with Ruby’s Irish Oatmeal Click…  NY Assemblyman George Latimer a Regular for Ruby's Breakfast… Open for breakfast Monday through Saturday at 8:00 am, the breakfast favorite for Assemblyman George Latimer (District 91) is the Ruby’s famous Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal."

"The steel cut Irish Oatmeal at Ruby's is my breakfast favorite . . . I never thought I could actually enjoy a morning meal that helped me better handle my cholesterol count,” said Latimer. The oatmeal cost $7.00.

Alas, planning for those days in February when you abandon that New year's resolution, a Ruby's spokesperson says "if you’re in an indulging mood, the peanut butter stuffed French toast with raspberry jam and bacon is just incredible.” Now we are talking…



  1. “…our very own Assemblyman George Latimer. And while we hope Latimer brings us pork, he keeps fit by eating oatmeal.”

    George can’t bring us “pork” Jay because he’s tasked with throwing us tiny peanuts while delivering huge confiscatory level taxes out of this district. Everybody likes George but he’s in with a bad crew in Albany – The Working Families Party. Honest Democrats admit the devils bargain they made to “get through” this past election cycle and will be resigning their commissions in this disreputable outfit. George could lead that movement here locally. If he doesn’t then we need to know who he really represents.

    Take a read of this one out fresh today George –

    “Unless the party confronts its allies in the public-employee unions, it will continue to lose credibility with voters around the country.”

  2. Will honest Republicans admit the devil’s bargain they made?
    The Senate had been controlled by Republicans for how long before it was briefly taken over by Democrats?
    Were taxes low in New York those years?

  3. Exactly Charmian. Honest Republicans checked out when The Pataki Crew checked in and then revealed itself. And it’s frankly been a roach motel since Mario with Democrats doing much the same for their own special interest donors. NYS now ranks number 50 in business climate – Westchester ranks highest in the nation in taxes. You don’t get there by having good and or honest political leadership from either party. Maybe the big mob raids today will help….I’m staying tuned.

  4. Mr. Sack…Is there any updates or information on the Central avenue bridge?. It has become a major problem for many Rye residents and never seems to be discussed. Also I have heard rumors that many of the Central avenue residents, that now live on a cul de sac, are fighting to keep it closed. Is there any truth to that?..Please Mr. Sac, update us on the status of this embarrassing process. Thank You!!

  5. Focus,

    It’s a question of money. We need to wait for money from other levels of government because we don’t have the money to do it ourselves. But pending arrival of the money, the decision was already made to replace the bridge, and I see no reason to go back on that decision now.

    Joe Sack

  6. Focus:

    Councilman Filipmeoff lives on the adjacent cul de sac and if there is a petition to not replace the bridge I would imagine that he is probably leading the way.

    BTW it is not just about the money.

    I believe there was also an issue of then Assistant City Manager Pickup filing the wrong paperwork on the bridge which delayed the process about two years. Also, the deck of the bridge that was remaining after the storm was improperly torn down on the Shew/Pickup watch and that slowed the process down too.

    Don’t worry about Pickup though. He made out okay. The bridge, that’s a different story.

  7. Joe Sack

    Thanks for speedy response!! Appreciate you extending your information to this site. If you have any more updates on the arrival of funds, please let us know. I don’t see other government officials offering their time and help here, Kudos to you Joe!!

  8. Andrew Cuomo today does his best Claude Raines imitation.

    “I was shocked to learn that the state’s budget process is a sham that mirrors the deceptive practices I fought to change in the private sector..”

    Read more:

    Question – so where does The Working Families Party stand on the new budget battle? Anyone from Rye who supports their agenda please feel free to tell us how things really are in Albany.

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