Black Bass – a Rye Repo?

Who remembers the Black Bass? Leave a comment below. Looks like Rye City is about to repo this old boarded up Rye watering hole:

"Councilman Sack asked about the status of the old “Black Bass Grill” property. City Manager Pickup said that the owner of the property has until May 1st to pay all the outstanding taxes (approximately $129,000) on the property in full. If this is not done the City has the option to foreclose and take title to the property."



  1. I love that building. I hope it’s not torn down. Let’s think.

    Maybe a “Kelly’s West” should go there. What about “Kelly’s Flood Level”?
    Jerry and Martha’s Boston Road Market is right across the street so they could share a kitchen.
    If the City owns it they could do some creative financing to get it back on the tax rolls.
    Maybe a sports bar.
    Doug French – I understand you were involved in local sports before politics. What about “Doug’s Dugout” or “The French Quarter”. Get some investors and let’s save the Black Bass.
    Steve Otis is good at this kind of thing – look what he did for the Bird House. Why don’t you extend the proverbial olive branch, tell him you now realize that being mayor is much more complicated than it looks from the outside, and recruit his help in getting this corner back on the tax rolls?
    The kind of creative thinking that is going into Playland could certainly be used here on a smaller scale.
    C’mon Doug, I can see you behind the bar with a towel slung over your shoulder and your sleeves rolled up.

  2. Wow Charmian, did you wake up on the attack or just an off day?

    Why do you keep boasting about Steve Otis…he is past tense, a has been, DONE!

    BTW – You still have not addressed how we will get back the 5MIL of Tax Payer Dollars that your buddy Steve Otis “WASTED” on the old CVS (Lesters), you remember this don’t you….it’s that building dead smack in the middle of the FLOOD ZONE which your little friend(and I don’t mean size here) wanted to stick our PD….We are not talking 1mil Bird House money here, which we were lucky to get back, we are talking 5Mil…..Did you back him on this BRAIN FART?

    If you proceed to keep sticking this man on your highlight reel then how about including all his BLUNDERS…
    God knows the list is quite long!!!

  3. JA:
    You might want to revisit DF’s campaign promise to “cut the loss” and sell CVS. Move the clock forward and DF is extending the lease. Where’s your cherished Stop sign and the Rec fence extension? Take back Rye from false gods. Are you still bird dogging at Al Dente?

  4. G.G.,

    I am not up on the details of Lesters, but if the place is paying for itself then all is well, for now!
    Maybe Mayor French has a plan or two up his sleeve, time will tell..but the fact remains and always will…OTIS put us here…something you Otis fans refuse to address, you all just want to speak on the little bit of good he did…whoopy doo!!!

    As for my “cherished stop sign”, it is a lot closer now than it ever would have been! You just make sure you obey it when (not if) it’s up my friend!

    Bird Dogging at Al Dente??

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