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HomeCurrent AffairsWhy Judge Latwin Recused Himself from Pond Man Case

Why Judge Latwin Recused Himself from Pond Man Case

In a recent story about Rye's "Pond Man" Bob Schubert, one commenter wondered why Judge Latwin recused himself from Schubert's legal imbroglio with Rye City.

Read the decision and order from Judge Joe Latwin in which he bows out of the Schubert matter because of various personal conections to Schubert including boy scouts and the US Navy.

There is even a quip from Latwin: "We may have attended a party together to watch Navy beat Notre Dame (again)." [emphasis added]. Well played, well played.

  1. Caution: Employees and Owners of MyRye, Rye Patch, The Rye Record, The Rye Sound Shore Review and The Journal News –

    DO NOT go to Rye Police Headquarters or Rye City Hall and ask anything about what the original orders were to remove Bob Schubert from Rye City Hall and how the charges against him were then apparently changed and how then the original statements provided by Rye City employees concerning Mr. Schubert to the Rye City Attorney were apparently sent back to them for revisions and amplifications before they were at last deemed acceptable.

    Otherwise – bad things might happen to you –

    Reporter jailed for two nights after wrongly accused of meth dealing & being on most-wanted list.


  2. Dear Jay – I find it interesting that even while you are clearly focused on the Schubert matter – you neglect to report the news that the case against the city was dismissed in federal court. It’s been such a topic of conversation on your blog for years now. How could you, in good faith, not report the outcome?
    Here is the link to the article on the Journal News web site and it’s in yesterday’s Rye Record.

    This is right up there with the silence accompanying the news that all the Bird Homestead money DID come through – making our former Mayor Steve Otis right on yet another matter about which the Changelings were quite vocal in 2009 – and quite uninformed as it turns out.
    I’m watching with amusement as things unfold as I predicted.

  3. Charmian,
    With all do respect….PALEEEEASE!

    When do you think we will be receiving the 5 MILLION he spent on the purchase of the old CVS/ Lesters building???

    Otis WASTED 5 Million DOLLARS when he could have spent it wisely on our infrastructure along with the addition of a “STOP SIGN” where a child was killed!

    Please tell us your public opinion on Otis as it relates to the above subject!

  4. “This is right up there with the silence accompanying the news that all the Bird Homestead money DID come through – making our former Mayor Steve Otis right on yet another matter about which the Changelings were quite vocal in 2009 – and quite uninformed as it turns out.”

    Jimmy, my neighbor and friend, is there something about this statement which is incorrect?

    No, I didn’t think so. I’m careful with what I write.

    Now about that stop sign – did Doug French install a stop sign on my corner which I missed?

    I remember him talking about how little it would cost when he was criticizing the prior administration. Turns out being Mayor is a lot more complex than Doug expected and, hey, maybe Steve Otis left Rye in pretty good shape compared to the surrounding communities.

    That must be the case because except for a few missteps, French hasn’t done things much differently. He even hired bad Culross’ and bad Plunkett’s deputies.

    So much for “pro-active instead of reactive” or whatever nonsense they were throwing out on the campaign trail. It was all alot of Oprah type babble so I ignored it after a while.

    Now that he’s mayor, Doug has gone radio silent with his criticism of the prior administration. So maybe there’s hope for him. 🙂

  5. Charmian,

    I did not disagree with you on the Bird property, I do disagree with the Purchase of it…that is now water under the bridge!

    How about addressing my post….

    “When do you think we will be receiving the 5 MILLION he spent on the purchase of the old CVS/ Lesters building”???

    “Otis WASTED 5 Million DOLLARS when he could have spent it wisely on our infrastructure along with the addition of a “STOP SIGN” where a child was killed”!

    “Please tell us your public opinion on Otis as it relates to the above subject”!

  6. Charmian,
    I noticed you have chosen to stay silent….hmmmmmm?
    Cat or should I say Otis got your tongue,lol!

    Come on now, play fair, if you are gonna bring it up then bring it ALL up…the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!!!

    You know as well as I, Otis had no intentions of ever installing a Stop Sign where a child was killed. He had 2 closed door meetings with my wife and I, he sat there and fed us nothing but LIES!!!

    Yes, this may be Government, but it is of the small stage variety.

    Professional Politician or not, there is no excuse for his treatment of the subject or how he dismissed my family like we never existed…NO EXCUSE!!!

    For this reason alone I have zero respect for him! He like anyone else is welcome at my home this Thursday Night, there will be no bitterness while he is here if he chooses to attend! He will receive nothing but respect from me!

    He could learn a little something from me!

  7. “State regulators forbade staff employees from speaking and initially denied, then delayed requests for public records…”

    Sound familiar?

    But today the miscreants are forgotten (for a few hours) and a proper cerebration is in order. Thank our Founding Father’s for a free press.


    And here’s an actual recent editorial job posting for this newsroom. We’ve owned several media properties there on Florida’s west coast; this now famous ‘want ad’ offers a pretty fair outline of the local “wildlife”…



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