Sack and Brett Strong Hold; Myers beating Keith; Elias Linero & Parker Head-to-Head

Election update – as of 10:20pm

Looks like Sack and Brett have a strong hold, Myers beating Keith and Elias Linero & Parker head to head with nine (9) vote delta. Nathan and Gamache at back of pack.

Stay tuned to for additional results as they come in tonight…

With 50% of votes reporting in the race for Rye City Council:

Joe Sack 21% – 870 votes

Laura Brett 21% – 837 votes

Rafael Elias Linero 16% – 698

Catherine Parker 16% – 689 votes

Josh Nathan 14% – 593 votes

Paula Gamache 13% – 549 votes

With 50% votes reporting in the race for Westchester County Legislator:

Judy Myers 54%

Suzanna Keith 46%



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