Carvin Bails 2 1/2 Weeks into Senate Bid

That was fast…

Less that two and one half weeks into his announced US Senate bid, Rye Town Supervisor Joe Carvin is withdrawing from the race. That's kind of strange… Here is the announcement.



Withdraws Candidacy; Remains Neutral

Rochester, NY – March 16…Westchester businessman and Rye Town Supervisor Joe Carvin (R) withdrew his candidacy today for the Republican nomination for the United States Senate.

When Carvin made the decision to get into this race, the Republican Party had only one declared candidate for the office. Carvin entered the race because he wanted to ensure that the Republican Party faithful had a choice of candidates and to ensure that voters understood the depth and urgency of the financial crisis confronting the nation and threatening our long-term jobs prospects.  

"I was pleased with the positive feedback I received from Party members and leaders around the state when I talked about the need to fundamentally restructure our entitlement systems, our tax code and health care," Carvin said.

Carvin made it clear that this kind of fundamental reform could not go forward without shared sacrifice among the people of New York and the United States.   "Far too often politicians are afraid to tell voters the truth about the severity of the fiscal and jobs crisis we are facing.   I was pleased that the New York Republicans are prepared roll up their sleeves and take on today's daunting challenges."

Since Carvin's decision to enter the race, two new candidates have decided to run for US Senate joining George Maragos in the competition, Wendy Long and Congressman Bob Turner. 

"My number one goal in entering the race was to ensure that the Republican Party had a nominee capable of defeating Ms. Gillibrand in November," Mr. Carvin said. "But in the last several days – after Ms. Gillibrand was ranked the most left-wing senator in America by National Journal and after she voted for higher gas prices by opposing the Keystone XL Pipeline – I believe any of the candidates in this race can beat her. I am one hundred percent confident that I would have received the 25% of the Republican delegate vote necessary to get on the ballot, but I am now comfortable that my party is well represented."

The New York State Republican Convention, at which a Party nominee will be chosen, is being held today in Rochester, NY.

"This has been a tremendously uplifting experience and I am extraordinarily grateful to all those around the state who have supported me in ways large and small over the past few weeks.  I am particularly grateful to my own county chairman Doug Colety and his committee for giving me such strong support."



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