Rye School Bond Vote Tuesday: Your Reading Assignment

Here is your weekend reading assignment.

It is the school bond after all, and MyRye.com thinks you should be prepared for Tuesday's vote.

Here are some of the reading assignments being handed out by the school:

District Capital Planning Presentation – explains use of $16.3 million in proceeds.

Bond Q&A document – including how this bond is different than the bond that was defeated in December.

Bond flyer – a little bit more.

If you are an over-achiever, check the Capital Project Central area of the Rye City School District web site.

The vote is this Tuesday, March 13, 2012 from 7am – 9pm in the Rye Middle School gym.



  1. Don’t forget to get out and vote today. It’s your chance okay the Board of Ed unnecessarily increasing your taxes 2%. Forget that 69cents/day noise, this is at leat $5k over 20 years for the “average” home owner.

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