Purchase Street Adds Early Learning Studio – Grand Opening Sunday

Little learners store

The Little Learners Early Childhood Enrichment Studio will open its doors at 15 Purchase Street this coming Sunday, September 23rd. The storefront used to house the TWIG antique store and is adjacent to Arcade Books.

Abbey lombardo-kumar(PHOTO: Director Lombardo-Kumar.) Sunday's Grand Opening will feature a ribbon cutting by Rye City Mayor Douglas French at 11am."The start of this new venture is like a dream come true for me and I
would be so appreciative to have the opportunity to share what Little
Learners Studio has to offer with the larger community," said founder and director Abbey Lombardo-Kumar. The opening is from 10am until 2pm and will include tours of the new space, gift bags and special offers.

The business will offer products and
programming that provide young children and their families with access to a comprehensive
and balanced approach to early learning. Little Learners Studio offers a variety of classes for children ranging in age from 19 months
to five years old. Small class groups, taught by Masters level teachers, run in 10-week
sessions all year round to support understanding in literacy, language,
writing development, math, science and the arts. Educational merchandise including games, toys,
art materials, picture books is available to clients for
custom purchase in the boutique-like showroom.



  1. A ribbon cutting ceremony led by our Mayor????

    Since when does the Mayor get involved in the opening of “private” businesses???

    The Mayor should concern himself with the importance of the “City Business”….god knows we are screwed in every corner!!!

    Maybe our Mayor is an investor in this business???

  2. @above average
    Part of a small city Mayor’s job is to attend ribbon cutting events. Picky Picky Picky

    Perhaps you can better focus your
    laser like attention on a councilman who takes his instructions from a “Portchester tax payer”.

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