Looking SPRY(E) After One Year


SPRYE, Rye’s organization to help older adults stay in their homes, began operations just one year ago.

To celebrate its first anniversary, a fundraising cocktail party with a silent auction is planned for Thursday, November 1 at Wainwright House from 6 – 8pm. The special guest that night is retiring State Senator Suzi Oppenheimer, who will be honored for her support of seniors’ causes.

In the past year SPRYE has grown steadily and already attracted 96 fee-paying members, close to its first-year goal of 100. It has already made an impact in the lives of both longtime residents and newcomers.

Most members, like Valerie and Betty, have signed up on their own. Others have been signed up by their adult children looking for help in caring for their aging parents. A small number of low-income members enjoy a big discount from the standard membership fee.

Services are provided by 55 volunteers and a 16-member Board of Directors led by President Nancy Haneman and Executive Director Betti Weimersheimer, SPRYE’s one employee. Thirty-two of the volunteers provided 60 rides in August, while others help with home repairs, organizing events, and staffing the office provided by The Osborn.


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