Sack on Golf Club Debacle

An Open Letter from Rye Counciman Joe Sack. What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Open Letter:

I would like to commend my colleagues on the city council for the swift, unanimous and significant action we have taken as a group over the past eight days.

Last week, the city council made a momentous decision to declare itself the lead investigative agency of recent events at Rye Golf Club.  Because of the unique circumstances, this investigation will and must be separate and apart from the city manager and regular city lawyers, in order to maintain the integrity and independence of the investigation.  Ultimately, whatever the investigation shows, the results must be beyond reproach, so that the public can have faith and trust in the outcome.

This morning, to that end, the city council hired a top-flight law firm – Brune & Richard – to run the city council’s investigation and to serve as independent counsel.  In that role, the independent counsel may issue subpoenas, secure documents, conduct interviews, take sworn testimony, and marshal the evidence.  This is another huge step forward in getting to the bottom of what happened.

It is my hope that the city council will continue to move forward with this investigation in a thorough and expeditious manner, with as much transparency and openness as possible.

-Rye Councilman Joe Sack



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