Sack: Dapolite, Truth and Justice

A guest column by Rye City Councilman Joe Sack:

Dapolite, Truth and Justice

By Joe Sack

At last night’s city council meeting, I was surprised and dismayed that one of my colleagues attacked the character and integrity of Andrew Dapolite, a life-long 23-year-old Rye resident, because the attack was part of a prepared statement which was purportedly against personal attacks, because the attack was inconsistent with my own experience with Mr. Dapolite as a truthful and upstanding person, and because the attack pertained to a set of circumstances which a majority of the city council – including my colleague in question – had heretofore repeatedly declined to investigate.

However, upon reflection I must thank my colleague for resurrecting this matter, which had been abandoned last summer, albeit without a satisfactory conclusion, in that a lot has transpired since then.  Namely, other allegations of misdealing at Rye Golf Club have now also surfaced, and the city council has at last demonstrated a will to exercise its right to investigate such allegations.  As such, this matter can now be viewed in a new context.  The time may finally be right to require the relevant parties to answer these allegations.   Better late than never.

By way of reminder, last February, Mr. Dapolite made very detailed and credible allegations, including in sum and substance, that a January 2012 city council meeting which the city manager had told the city council and general public had not been videotaped, had indeed been videotaped; that Mr. Dapolite had been instructed by city staff to tell the public that the meeting had not been videotaped, even though it had been; and – when the city finally acknowledged that the meeting had actually been videotaped – that the audio on the previously concealed videotape had later been purposefully altered to make it difficult to hear.

Subsequently, Mr. Dapolite made a further allegation that the city manager had retaliated against him for bringing attention to these facts, by taking adverse employment action against him which was unfounded.

Instead of investigating these allegations, the council majority decided to refer the matter to the city ethics board.  The ethics board did not do an investigation, beyond speaking with Mr. Dapolite behind closed doors, which he did openly and freely even though his lawyer was barred from the room.  The ethics board did not speak with the city manager, any other city staff, or any other potential witnesses, and did not review any documents.  The ethics board never made any substantive findings or ruling.

Sadly, Mr. Dapolite subsequently left his job with the city, apparently in large part because of frustration that the city council had failed to investigate and act on his allegations.  Nevertheless, Mr. Dapolite voluntarily released his legal claims against the city, although he could have pursued drawn out litigation with potential exposure to the city.

At the time, I commented that Mr. Dapolite’s allegations touched upon basic truthfulness and fair dealing, and that they demanded our attention.  I called for accountability and integrity, and warned that we should not just sweep this alleged serious misconduct under the rug.  Nothing happened.

But that was then.  This is now.  It’s a whole new world.  This matter has been put back in public view, by virtue of my colleague’s comments last night.  Let’s not miss this second chance to get it right.

Joseph A. Sack, Esq.



  1. Petulant Child,

    You sound like someone I know. Here’s your solution — swear everyone in under oath, have them tell their stories under penalties of perjury. We’ll make sure you get your chance. Here’s a good question that will be asked — have you ever blogged under an anonymous name?

    Joe Sack

  2. Keep pushing Joe, you have solid support in the public and in the ranks. Especially in light of the Rye Golf Club revelations, the Dapolite matter should be heard once and for all. He was born and raised here, he deserves a fair hearing. Let the chips fall where they may.

  3. Well said Joe. Let me just add two helpful links for readers here –

    First – here is the city video link to Mr. Filippi’s 11+ minute “statement” –

    (The time code sections are 03:58 thru 15:50.)

    Second – here is a link to some general legal definitions and a certain recent local Federal Court decision. If, as some on the high bench have demonstrated, words no longer have meaning in Rye governmental affairs, please consider these to be simple historical memory refreshers –

  4. Joe,

    Let’s just say your false equivalence of the Dapolite issue and the Rye Golf Club issue is troubling while showing your incompetence while your absence from the Flotie Mobile is even more troubling.

  5. Jim Amico writes:

    “AND SOMEHOW MR. SCOTT PICKUP IS STILL EMPLOYED HERE IN RYE???????????????????????????????


    You just can’t help giving away the end game. Is everything you and Joe Sack do about getting rid of Scott Pickup??? Admit it, it’s all about getting rid of Scott Pickup who presents an obstacle to Mr. Flotie’s agenda. Right??? Even Laus Deo was started to accomplish that. If we get rid of Scott Pickup we could bring in another City Manager who just might classify Hen Island as permanent residences. Right???? Do you think the people of Rye were born yesterday?

  6. Petulant child,

    Yes, yes, I know, it’s all a faux cause celebre, or some other fancy word, and the city is crumbling and the sky is falling, and who has time to worry about truth and honesty when we’ve got cracked sidewalks and all. And the stuff about the Mr. Floatiemobile, that spitball has been used before, but it made me feel a whole lot better when I learned that it was someone else who received support and backing from Ray. Not me. I’m my own person. Unfortunately, you can’t say the same.

    Joe Sack

  7. First , let me just say that us members here at the RGC believe in Santa Claus. Santa Claus is a really good guy. What other human being donates all his spare time and trillions of his own money doing good in the world. Who else do you know that is so generous with their time and money. Well, as a matter of fact, we have someone right here in Rye that donates all his time and money running Lausdeo10580! All for truth, justice and the American way! That’s right, Leon Sculti spends countless hours of his own time FOILing and researching our gov’t and he does it all for free and all out of the kindness of his heart. God bless his soul! All the members at the RGC meeting the other night thanked Leon for all his time and personal money he’s spent running his blog and researching our dilemma here at the club. It’s almost too good to be true. Just like Santa Claus. But it’s no surprise given that he’s a real estate agent. Real estate agents are some of the purest souls I know. They would never lie to you and they ALWAYS tell the truth. That’s why Leon is such a good guy and has helped our RGC uncover the fiasco that occurred here at the club. Forget the fact that his first research assignment had to do with Hen Island. There’s no way Mr. Flotie would pay Leon to spend all his spare time digging up dirt on Hen Island. I mean, Mr. Flotie has only spent $750,000 of his own money on his Hen Island agenda so there’s no way he’d pay Leon to start a blog digging up dirt on Rye City officials, that thought is just silly. And anyway, Leon would never take any money from Mr. Flotie considering how good the real estate market has been. Leon is just a genuine great guy that just wants pure, lily-white government. Leon would never take money from anyone to dig up dirt on Scott Pickup to facilitate Scott’s departure from Rye’s payroll. Leon’s time is worthless, that’s why he does it for free! No, we here at the club want to thank Leon for all the time he’s spent researching and FOILing our problem out of the kindness of his heart. There’s only one other man in the world like him.

  8. Joe Sack writes:

    “who has time to worry about truth and honesty when we’ve got cracked sidewalks and all.”

    Did Tedc write that for you??? You know what they say , “If they say it’s about the truth and honesty, it’s not about the truth and honesty”

    Do me a favor Joe, instead of putting Rye thru your BS and then running for Mayor with Mr. Flotie’s help why don’t you just hand the keys to the kingdom over to Mr. Flotie now and spare us the sham of an election.

  9. “Truth and Honesty”, didn’t Newt Gingrich use those exact words about Bill Clinton before Newt dumped his dying cancer riddled wife for a lady 20 years his younger? It gets old. The Rye electorate wasn’t born yesterday. They all want to know why Joe Sack isn’t on the Flotie mobile?

  10. I think we need to investigate Scott Pickup every time he wipes his ass. Just because we have a City Manager style of gov’t doesn’t mean the City Manager should run the City. Especially, when it comes to newly hired, insubordinate, college grads.

  11. Sounds like we have a council quorum on the MyRye comments feed: Sack, French, Jovanovich and Filippied-My-Lid.

    One uses his real name the other three live in perpetual executive session. D. makes a motion Sack shuts up and the rest of us throw bombs from the shadows. Petulant Child? Yea. Observant Freak Show? Yea.

    Passed 3-1.

  12. Petulant Child sounds like Peter Jovanovich, Robin, or Flipout himself. Keep defending Scott Pickup. Until I hear Nicole Levitsky deny Dapolite’s allegations, or Scott Pickup explain why he lied to the Council, or why he concealed a recorded meeting for two weeks, I’m standing with Dapolite. As anyone who knows Andrew will tell you, he’s an upfront and honest and needs our support against psychos like Richard Filippi who somehow managed to get elected.

  13. “Hi All!”
    FYI.. It was the Board of Directors on Hen Island that spent all the money and it’s more like 650 thousand not 750 but it’s still climbing. Their lawyer found a retirement package when he got that client. Best part is they could have fixed all the issues for less money and saved two Mayors, two administrations and the entire City the embarrassment. It’s my bet if they had it to do all over again, they would have enforced the law. Right now they are back peddling.

    As flipped out said “those poor people didn’t want to spend the money to live out there for ten months, they only wanted to use it for six, they have families, expenses, tuition and school costs” (Did he forget that the rest of Rye has those same expenses and they still have to obey the law at any cost? And did he forget that these are second summer homes for those poor souls on Hen Island. Maybe we can put up a donation box in the City Council chambers and label it “Poor Hen Islanders that don’t have to obey laws like the rest of Rye”

    So let’s see what we have accomplished since 2007 thanks to the Hen Islanders. We have discovered;
    In Rye, If you are politically connected you don’t have to abide by the laws, not the health laws, not the building laws, not the environmental laws, not the labor laws, not the whistle blower laws, not the tax laws but wait “maybe” we are just starting to enforce criminal laws for the connected, let’s see what happens.
    And to think, it all came about because of 37 selfish, inconsiderate and corrupt, Hen Islanders, which two administrations tried to protect. I say crime just don’t pay!

  14. Why wasn’t Joe Sack on the Flotie Mobile??? Why won’t Joe Sack answer the question?? Why is Joe Sack equating the Dapolite issue with the RGC fiasco?? Did Andrew Dapolite use Rye City equiptment to make video’s for Mr. Flotie?? Is Mr. Flotie paying Leon Sculti for Has Ray Tartaglione found the rest of his dock floating in LI Sound yet??

    Funny how everyone is avoiding the real questions.

  15. D,
    You seemed crazed the other night and you now seem to be obsessed with Mr. Floatie! You might try a little turd on the scalp. Not only will it help compete with the brains you have, it will also look better than what is there now.
    Get a good night’s rest. Things always look better in the morning. Sweet Dreams!

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  16. D,

    What happened to your calls for an investigation? You sure did lose your playfulness when you got tired. You had to go and break out the “do you still beat your wife” question. Don’t worry, I’ll still play along for you. The answer is that I have no idea why, and it’s something out of my control. Ray has said its because I am willing to be independent. That is true, so I’ll accept that compliment as far as it goes. But he certainly didn’t do me any favors by leaving me off the car. I actually thought the floatiemobile was in poor taste and was an unnecessary embarrassment of my colleagues, and I called for it to be removed. And I believe that it’s because of pressure like that that Ray took the pictures down. But you know I’ve taken that strong position publicly before. Of course the purpose of your inquiry isn’t meant to derive an actual answer, but rather to try to insinuate some sort of connection between your nemesis and myself. There is none. But thanks for trying to slime me just the same. This is not the first time it’s happened, and I’ve survived worse ambushes than this on live TV, as you surely also know. Your other question directed to me — I am unaware of any direct connection between the troubles at Rye Golf and what happened to Dapolite, other than that both situations deal with issues involving possible untruthfulness and deceit. But if you are asking maybe you know something I don’t.

    Keep smilin D, and don’t ever change.

    Joe Sack

  17. D,

    “Just because we have a City Manager style of gov’t doesn’t mean the City Manager should run the City.”

    Really??? Ok, I give up, just what does it mean???

    If I had a dollar for everytime Mayor French repeated just that I would be a millionare!!!
    (yes, I am aware I might actually be speaking to Mayor French)

    Then why was he allowed to stonewall the safety of the children for 6 YEARS?????

    “I think we need to investigate Scott Pickup every time he wipes his ass.”

    Uh No….what you need to do is tell him DON’T LET THE DOOR HIT YOU IN THE ASS ON THE WAY OUT!!!

    Are you actually stating that Pickup shouldn’t be investigated???

    “Why wasn’t Joe Sack on the Flotie Mobile??? Why won’t Joe Sack answer the question?? Why is Joe Sack equating the Dapolite issue with the RGC fiasco?? Did Andrew Dapolite use Rye City equiptment to make video’s for Mr. Flotie?? Is Mr. Flotie paying Leon Sculti for”

    WHO GIVES A SHIT!!!!!!!!!
    None of these questions mean a damn thing!

    Maybe if you were as transparent and standup as Joe Sack you might have been left off the van as well!!!

    Andrew Dapolite no longer works for the City….but just for kicks and giggles – lets say he did use City Equipment…what would you have done….Have Filippiout sick the Nazis on him???

    Glad to see you have an issue with “insubordination”….does this apply to PICKUP???






    If you are all that and a cup of tea I challenge you to ANSWER EVERY QUESTION I ASKED???

    P.S. I now know why you spell your name with one letter “D”….you can’t spell worth a shit!!!
    And just in case you can not count either I have asked you 10 QUESTIONS!!!


  18. Very interesting Ray

    Joe Sack says that he influenced
    you in taking down the obnoxious pics you had on the floatmobile.

    Seems joe has an influence with a
    Jackass no one else has.

    Wonder why?????????

  19. D/petulantchild/ryewit,

    Remember that pea brain redneck character from “My Cousin Vinny”, the one who kept on wanting to fight Joe Pesci for 200 bucks? And Pesci said sure, just show me the money first? Sure, you can debate me, just show up at the next city council meeting with your real identity. Until then, I can’t do much more for you.

    Joe Sack

  20. Joe- He doesn’t need to show up. He’s the spineless idiot who sits to your left on the dais. Or maybe to the farther right.

    Coyote attacks prevented the Council from reviewing the 2010 RGC auditors report according to Filippi. Doesn’t Doug ever tell him to shut up? He’s embarrassing.

  21. Ray you can never prove the negative so why not reverse course and actively promote Joe Sack? Take the dust cover off The Floatiemobile, get some clip art of a reclining Fabio type male model, photoshop Joe’s face on it and plaster it on both sides of the car. Run a contest for the under caption and go with the top vote getter.

  22. WOW! Lots of activity last night. Some people seem very nervous. Joe Sack writes a stupid Op/Ed in MyRye creating a false equivalence between the RGC scandal and the Dapolite employee issue then complains that people need to show up to the Council Meeting to discuss it. Why the f*ck did Joe Sack write the the op/ed on MyRye when he could have just said it at the Council Meeting????? He seems very confused but, then again, I’d be confused to if Mr. Flotie was my mentor. Anyway, I see nobody has denied involment in the blog. Can we assume Mr. Flotie is bankrolling Peon Schulti? You know , the guy who has no job and spends his whole life shoving camera’s in City employees faces during work hours? Does Peon have a real job or is LausDeo so lucrative he can spend his whole like being a boor???? The people over at RGC think Santa Claus exists and we’re still waiting to find out about Ray Tartaglione’s dock system that is floating around LI Sound somewhere and may be detrimental to an innocent boater’s health. We’ve also added another person to the EXTREMELY LONG list of people who have flipped out/are corrupt or are just naturally against the environment. The list has HUNDREDS on it and Fillippi has just joined it. The only ones not on it are Peon Sculti, Ray Tartaglione, Tedc, and Jim Amico. Those are the only 4 guys in the world who think only pure thoughts.

  23. Don’t worry Joe, I wouldn’t even have a nickel in my pocket if you were in the room. I don’t trust anyone not on Mr. Flotie’s list.

    Mayor French, or D, passed a motion to search for every article ever posted to Laus Deo on Hen Island. The clerk of the virtual quorum performed a diligent search. The results: 0.

    Petulant Child passed gas and a motion to search for the name ‘Tartaglione’ on Laus Deo. The results: 3 mentions.

    The clerk noted there were about 100 articles total posted to Laus Deo, 25 on Rye Golf Club, none on Santa Claus.

    D (French) demanded the ‘headlines’, quotes on Tartaglione, and sources from each of the 3 hits the clerk received. Let it be resolved, they are:

    “Rye rabble-rouser Ray Tartaglione requested City Manager Scott Pickup convene the board to meet…”
    (sources: Sound Shore Review, MyRye, Video featuring numerous City of Rye Public Records)

    “Mr. Tartaglione appeared at the February 29th City Council Meeting “to set the record straight”. In his comments, Mr. Tartaglione stated that he did not work with or support Councilman Sack’s recent campaign. Then, in a jaw dropping five minute address, the purveyor of all things Floatie detailed how he plotted and planned with Mayor French himself to defeat then-Mayor Steve Otis (D) in 2009. Tartaglione described fundraisers and meetings that took place between Candidate French and himself…” (sources: Rye Record, Westchester County Public Records, City of Rye Public Records, City Council Meetings Videos, 2009 Campaign Videos)



    To Whom It Concerns:

    In response to the mayor’s update, I would like to correct the record in clarifying that I never brought a complaint against Mayor French to the Ethics Board, nor did I ever advocate for such action–and you will find nowhere in the public record where I did.

    As a matter of fact, I would like to point out, that Mayor French actually brought the second complaint against himself by asking Deputy Mayor, Peter Jovanovich, to do just that. Therefore, the mayor would have been more accurate in saying the complaint was “brought forward by Ray Tartaglione of Purchase, NY and Me of Rye against Myself.”

    What I did was simply make a video accurately documenting the mayor’s 19 year ownership of a property in violation of Rye City Building Code–the video was sourced throughout with records from City Hall, Westchester County Land Records and Mayor French’s own MLS listing sheets, supporting each fact contained therein. Two days after the video was posted, and widely viewed, Mayor French was issued violations by the City of Rye Building Department for the exact illegal building activities detailed in the video. These are proven facts.

    Pseudo-names requested a recess so they could concoct some new crazy theories. Meeting adjourned.

  25. “Hi all”,
    You really have to be kidding. Everybody makes a big deal about a little van and a eight foot walking turd at the council meetings, when we have a Mayor that steals thousands from schools and residents, refuses to enforce the law and runs the City like he is on vacation. I think you better get your priorities in order.

    Sorry to disappoint you Joe but you had nothing to do with Floatie’s sabbatical. Floatie and the Floatie mobile will be back at meetings and in town as soon as the warm weather rolls in. The Automotive business is a little busy in the winter.

    He will definitely be around for the elections. We are planning to have two Floatiemobiles by late summer. One for Rye and the other for the County elections.

  26. Um, you know, um, um, you know. Filippi‘s public speaking needs some work. Yes, everyone is entitled to vocalize their views but really, I can’t make heads or tails out of half of Wednesday’s tantrum.

    Filippi said he and the Mayor threatened Mr. Floatie with arrest if he showed up at City Council meetings in costume, citing an anti-masking law. The anti-masking law he refers to is from 1845, N.Y. Penal Law 240.35(4), and reads: “Being masked or in any manner disguised by unusual or unnatural attire or facial alteration, loiters, remains or congregates in a public place with other persons so masked or disguised…”. The law is currently being challenged (again) in NYS courts but there’s no disagreement that the law applies when more than one person is in a mask. Mr. Floatie is within his rights to appear at public meetings in costume. What Filippi really said on Wednesday night was, “Mr. Floatie doesn’t come to meetings anymore because we stifled him by threatening to arrest him under a law that doesn’t exist.”

    Filippi also described difficulty in attracting people to volunteer for committees or political involvement. He accurately identifies a real problem but comically attributes it to people being afraid of being singled out for their ideas. That’s just what people tell you, Filippi. The real problem is no one wants anything to do with Doug French, Peter Jovanovich or you. If people are genuinely afraid of being singled out for an idea, they’re probably not a good candidate for a committee.

    Filippi cited Pastor Niemoller’s “First they came for…” quote in an attempt to encourage people to push back against those that criticize Rye City government. The irony here is mind-numbing. He’s citing a quote about not speaking out against tyranny in a tyrannical attempt to silence average citizens who are exercising their civil rights by criticizing him. A more appropriate time to reference Pastor Niemoller would have been when Filippi announced that “No one cares” about Mayor French’s numerous scandals.

    Key take away from a foundering Filippi: continue to hold Rye City government accountable for its actions. It’s taking its toll.

  27. How did Flipout Filippi reach his conclusions regarding the Dapolite Issue? Did he speak to the accused, Scott Pickup and Nicole Levitsky? Why have those two never addressed the allegations? The city attorney asked Dapolite to withdraw his allegations on numerous occasions. And Flipout Filippi has the audacity to attack Andrew when he voted against a fair investigation? Instead he feels by slandering Andrew he can help protect Pickup. So far everything Dapolite has said has checked out.

  28. Anne,
    When French had Ms. Wilson threatened us with the BS law, we knew it was BS and would not hold up in court. Just to rub the BS in their faces we sent Floatie back to a meeting after we received their letter. (Copied below)

    Our attorneys thought it was one more example of how French was violating our civil rights. Trust me that letter never stopped us from bringing him to the meetings. ( In federal actions the legal term is called chilling) those who followed the Schubert case are very familiar with it. The below video was taken a year after Wilson sent us the letter. You can see floatie’s face in the Costume.

    French had so many problems, I didn’t need Floatie to distract people from all his other failures. Truth is Floatie and his Floatiemobile has done a better job at exposing the Hen Island issues then we could have ever imagined. You can’t believe the e-mails we receive commending his efforts.

    His only job now is to bring embarrassment and expose politicians that avoid enforcement. The interesting part is that the only ones that object to Floatie and his antics are those that support French and his ways of Code avoidance, everyone else seems to get a kick out of him. As French has taught us, if you are politically connected you don’t need building permits and you can cheat on your property taxes.

    Getting back to Schubert, Let’s now forget about Bob and the way he was treated… That was another issue French was going to straighten out. He straightened him out all right, he had Pickup have him arrested, two months before he died.

    I wonder if Flipped-out though of Schubert and how he would feel, if Bob was his 89 year old father, being arrested for visiting City Hall or the City sending a psychiatrist to his home in an attempt to have him committed?

    These are the actions that Rye officials have come accustom to. Just a few more attempts to silence the ones that challenge and question authority. Now they are attacking Leon, Andrew, Judge Carey and Sack. You are next Anne, and after you the most outspoken members of the RGC! The list is growing!!!

  29. Still no denial about Mr. Flotie bankrolling The only thing presented was a search of “Hen Island” references on LausDeo, ROFLMAO! Of course, there’s gonna be no references to “Hen Island” because Mr. Flotie doesn’t want anyone to know if it’s his web site. Mr. Flotie claims he’s so popular with the masses but he knows it’s all bull and if anyone found out that LausDeo was controlled by Mr. Flotie the sites credibility would be SHOT. That’s why we’ve heard nothing because the site’s credibility is kaput. If the RGC is still in Santa Claus mode they’d better wake up.

    Anyway, all this disingenuous outrage over supposed corruption is all to get Scott Pickup fired. It really has nothing to do with Hen Island because the Hen Island issue is over UNLESS, yes…… UNLESS Mr. Flotie can get a new Mayor and new City Manager to see things Mr. Flotie’s way. That’s what’s going on here. It’s not about “truth and justice” as Joe Sack wants you to think, it’s about getting rid of French so Sack can run for Mayor and getting rid of Scott Pickup so Mr. Flotie can control Hen Island. It’s pretty straight forward. Nothing unbelievably complicated here. Just the fact that Mr. Flotie didn’t get his way on Hen Island and now it looks like he’s created a blog and hired a boorish douche to dig up dirt and print facts out of context to build a strawman’s case for getting rid of French and Pickup.

    Btw, Joe Sack is doing a great job playing the company line. Right Mr. Flotie???

  30. tedc writes :

    ” Ray you can never prove the negative so why not reverse course and actively promote Joe Sack? ”

    Yeah , Ray, I dare you. LOL.

  31. D,

    Seriously now, that’s all you got? I mean especially hiding behind your mask, I figure if you actually had something real, you’d drop it here.

    Joe Sack

  32. D,

    I mean really, the banter on this site can be a goof sometimes. And I can enjoy it as a distraction from reality. But let’s talk reality for one second. I go on the record all the time, on this site, at public meetings, on live TV. Heck, I’ve even engaged you here. Do you have anything other than cheap innuendo? Seriously, if you can’t confess to who you really are, I’d at least expect to hear what you really got.

    Joe Sack

  33. @D–“It’s about getting rid of French so Sack can run for Mayor.” Sounds good to me, Joe Sack has my vote. Only problem is, we can’t get rid of French fast enough. BTW, floatie is spelled f-l-o-a-t-i-e, just saying.

  34. Joe,

    You certainly write a lot of op/ed’s for MyRye but at least you now admit that what you write is ” a distraction from reality.” Why don’t you tell everyone what IS reality Joe. How about starting with

  35. Actually Joe,

    After thinking about your question, I want to know what YOU got with respect to the Dapolite case. YOUR the one that wrote this op/ed on a site that “is a distraction from reality” and you have nothing that warrants an investigation except you think Andrew is a really neat kid that’s lived in this town all his life. I think Charles Manson lived in his hometown his entire life too. I’m surprised you haven’t claimed that Andrew participated in the invasion of Okinawa because if you participated in that invasion you have a license to threaten people at City Hall with bodily harm and all should be forgiven.

  36. Good thing Ray Tartaglione wrote a letter to Mayor French alerting him to propane tanks floating around Milton Harbor since 1992. Anyone see Ray Tartaglione’s dock, the one that floated away during Sandy in Oct 2012, floating “just below the surface” in LI Sound lately?? Probably not, by now it’s most likely lurking just outside New Rochelle’s boat basin.

    Does anyone think someone who is worried about propane tanks floating around Milton Harbor since 1992 is qualified to own a blog that is responsible for public opinion?

  37. D/Richard- Regarding Andrew Dapolite, you insinuate that he “threatened people at City Hall with bodily harm”?!? Where do you get these stories? Perhaps you are creating them after your pathetic diatribe at the Council Meeting last week.

    First of all, I don’t believe that to be accurate. In fact, I don’t believe anything Scott Pickup and Nicole Levitsky say unless they can defend the allegations of concealment and tampering of a public record first. Then perhaps these attacks against Andrew might have some merit. For now, it screams retaliation. But then again, Nicole has been known to be a bitch and a half, and she’s not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    Second, to have access to that sort of story you are creating, you would have had to speak to the honorable Scott Pickup or Nicole “The Meeting Was Not Videotaped” Levitsky. To even hyperbolize a confrontation involving Dapolite that may or may not have occurred at City Hall leads me to believe you are in fact a Councilperson blogging anonymously on this site.

    In summary, Dapolite has stated that the Fire Department Meeting of Jan 25, 2012 which dealt with the sensitive issue of restructuring the dept under the auspices of Scott Pickup, was said to have not been videotaped by Scott Pickup. Joe Sack was unable to attend that meeting and requested the videotape. In the videotape (which was not videtaped), you will see Mayor French tell Catherine Parker that her and Joe are no longer reviewing the Fire Dept as part of a study. Instead, Pickup will issue a report. It was proposed that the Police Commissioner, Connors, would take control of the Fire Dept under the new title of “Public Safety Commissioner”. Also, volunteers would report to the City Manager.

    Dapolite alleges Pickup lied to the Council. Levitsky actually recorded the meeting. This allegation turned out to be true. The videotape was not released for 2 weeks, and Nicole was caught on tape telling a resident that the meeting was not recorded. She also supposedly told Dapolite not to tell Councilman Sack that there was a videotape. Everyone by now knows that Sack worked closely with Dapolite on his old “Eye on Rye” shows.

    Sack supposedly found out about the tape, and ordered Pickup to post it to the website for public access, and when it was posted it was made inaudible by Levitsky.

    When Dapolite tried to address his concerns to Pickup, he was ignored. He wrote a letter to the Council, was also ignored. He was issued a reprimand by Pickup. This is what I gather from reading Chris Falcone’s articles.

    I think residents can make their own judgements, Rich! Take a break from blogging. Your fingers must hurt!

  38. D,

    Your comments can be mildly entertaining, but please focus. No cheap innuendo and blather this time.

    1. Dapolite made specific, credible allegations — why shouldn’t they be investigated?

    2. Regarding Hen island, it is clear that you have some personal animosity towards Tartaglione — but what is it that you allege that I have done that is improper?

    3. Regarding Rye Golf Club, you seem the represent that you have personal knowledge of what happened — if so, the council has an ongoing investigation, can you please let us know?

    Joe Sack

  39. Imagine what corrupt government employees and service providers could extract from a compromised Mayor by reminding him what they knew about his local rental property? A property that was illegal from the moment he moved to Rye and began his political “service?” I’d imagine it would be very compelling. Compelling enough to send him into the living room of one of America’s “Greatest Generation” and in front of a dozen witnesses vow to get to the truth about an environmental crime committed with apparent impunity by a Rye political class member of the first order, assisted by local influence peddlers of the highest order all to manufacture litigation profitable to White Plains patronage hustlers? “Defend the City of Rye from a $5M lawsuit?” Nonsense. Those dozen witnesses heard this duplicitous candidate assure the victim that he could count on DROPPING that action because HIS administration, if we got him elected, would immediately hold an investigation and reverse the cover-up underway for years prior.

    Instead 18 months later this morally flawed duplicitous un-indited felon of a “public servant” has one of his council minions tell me on his own way to the high bench “It’s too bad when sometimes good people have to get hurt.”

    Party’s over Plunkett. Rye is the new Mamaroneck.

  40. Joe,

    Glad to see you participating publically. Can you give me your answers or opinions on the topics below:

    1. Dapolite

    This appears to be a tangled web. What do you think actually happened and who is really at fault here?

    2. Hen island

    What is your opinion on Hen Island? Why is this still an issue in Rye when the city, County and the state say everything is ok? Is everyone in Rye government afraid of this flotie guy? Aren’t there more important things to deal with in the city couuncil?

    3. Rye Golf Club

    Is Scott Pickup at fault here for not knowing something was going on? Do you think Pickup was involved? And to what extent? Are people going to be indicted for fraud or embezzelment?

    4. Doug French

    Do you think his rental property problem was an oversight or borderline criminal? Should he have stepped down when it became public?

    5. Leon Sculty

    Free speech is one thing. Do you think he has a right to be this aggressive and abusive with city staff and officials?

  41. Why are we all wasting our time with this faceless coward whom calls itself “D”????

    We have all asked this individual to answer questions, all have gone unanswered!!!

    We need to stop giving this fool a platform!!!

  42. RV,

    Why is the Dapolite matter a tangled web?

    On what do you rely for everything is ok on hen island?

    What is your understanding of the chronology of when certain tax matters and building violations were known, to whom, and what was done about them?

    What matters are not covered by free speech and what elected officials have been abused?

    Also, do you happen to know what happened to D, petulant child and rye wit?

    Finally, why won’t you use your real name?

    Joe Sack

  43. Rye Voter,

    Allow me, a Straw Man, a fake persona, to answer the questions posed by you who are the same.

    1) Only an investigation can determine that. The council has refused to investigate this matter previously and since WTF (What The Filippi) is now discussing it openly in public, it should be investigated for real.

    2) This is an absolutely irrelevant issue that seemed to be over by a long shot. Flotie was gone from the Rye landscape. This issue was re-injected in the public square by WTF in an effort draw attention away from the council, city manager and Rye Golf Club ‘fiasco’.

    You can thank WTF for Flotie’s re-emergence in the public consciousness, and you should address that question to him Doug, urr Rye Voter.

    3) It appears that Mr. Pickup did know what was going on. The site you say Tartaglione owns has posted internal city documents that have his signature on millions of dollars worth of approvals RM Staffing. I would not assign criminality to anyone. That is why we have an investigation underway.

    4) All I know are the facts. The mayor owned and illegal house in Rye since the 1990s. He rented the house for about the last decade. He owned and rented the illegal house while he was the mayor. He was fined by the city of Rye for owning an illegally converted one family house with an illegally finished bedroom (as Anne McCarthy pointed out) in the attic last year.

    The mayor filed for two school tax exemptions in violation of the law. He received two school tax exemptions for 10 years in violation of the law. He paid a fine in excess of $15,000 last year for having a school tax exemption on his illegal house for 10 years.

    The mayor decided not to step down, he even decided to never accept responsibility for his illegal rental property. That is his prerogative.

    5) See number 2. Another distraction created by WTF, who spoke of thrusting cameras and such. Aggressive. Abusive. I’m not seeing it…

  44. Joe,

    Instead of answering even a single one of my questions, you fire back with questions of your own. Why are you being defensive?

    I would like to hear my city council representative’s point of view on a few items. My opinion or identity doesn’t really matter. That being said, I will answer.

    Dapolite is a tangled web (to me) because it is not clear who actually said what or exactly what was said. maybe, I am not fully informed. If you can clarify, I will appreciate it.

    It is my understanding that the County and state have both inspected hen island multiple times and issue no violations. That is what i am relying on. Why should there be more inspections? Why are you questioning the county and the state, because of flotie or beacuse you really believe there is a conspiracy?

    My understanding is that the tax matters and violations were done in response to a publicized complaint. I don’t knowif they were timely or appropriate. what do you think?

    I din’t say that anything done was not covered by free speech. i wanted your opinion about the alleged tactics with the video taping and questioning city staff.

    I do not know those posters and I am not any of them.

    i do not use my real name because I do not want to become a target of video interviews or decorated cars parked in front of my house. I am just a poster asking the opinion of a council memeber.

    Please answer my questions

  45. Rye Voter – great to see you jump in here. How did your depositions go? Did you take the 5th? Really? What about Steve? That’s too bad. What pressure squeeze is underway with the NYC legal ladies? Its gotta be first rate. Big George? Or maybe Schwartz? Come on, don’t be shy, you know it’s a pretty desperate situation, so desperate measures etc. Will Janet soon interfere? You can tell us. Your old local Rye toadies are wasted now, Wilson’s an inch from perjury, French has self destructed, and The Dunn Wing, well, it’s pretty dunn. There’s a whole lot more than a handful here looking at you now, wondering what’s next in coming out. So here’s a tip and a promise – no matter what – it’s coming out. Trust me.

  46. “Hi all”
    Let me take a stab at the question, Why is this Hen Island still an issue in Rye when the City, County and the State say everything is ok?
    It’s not ok.

    It not OK to collect water from rooftops and use it in homes for domestic use.

    It’s not OK to pollute the waters of the long Island Sound.

    It’s not Ok to collect 33,000 gallons of water and store that water that breeds mosquitoes and it’s not OK to jeopardizing the lives of those the use Milton Harbor in the summer months and allow acres and acres of mosquito breeding grounds, without a mosquito control program in place.

    It is not OK to allow an entire community to install composting toilets (still hooked up to their old illegal sewage disposal systems) without permits.

    Now why does everyone in the City, the County and State say it’s Ok? They don’t, The State says that the City of Rye has the enforcement responsibility. The City of Rye (Doug French) sates that “the County has the expertise” and “the County is our Health Department”. But here where the ex vice president of the Westchester County Board of Health has determined there is a problem and a big one at that.

    Doug, if there is no problem why did Rye issue 2 pages of violations in 2008, why did Rye require Hen Island to install composting toilets and why did Rye require the covering of water tanks on Hen Island in 1012? You are sending mixed messages to the people Doug. It is obvious that you are lying. That’s why it’s not OK.

    Now Doug, do you really think that IT’S Ok or do you still want to hang your hat on the County and the State? It’s not OK Doug, the majority of the people in Rye know it’s not Ok. You and a few of your supporters (that number seems to be dwindling by the day) would like to believe that everyone thinks it’s Ok but it’s not and I am not going away until it is OK.

  47. RV,

    Ok, just hit send and seem to have been lost in cyberspace, so let me try again.

    First, thanks for volunteering that you are just a well-meaning fair-minded constituent who only wants to speak with his/her councilman. I speak with those type of folks all the time on the phone, over coffee, at soccer games, you name it. I’d be happy to do the same with you, you should have said so earlier. Unfortunately, many of the people who post on this site have a pre-determined point of view that can’t be changed, and are looking to advance an agenda, for good or for bad. Glad to hear that’s not you. However, by your questions and clarifying responses, you seem to have some biases or misconceptions of your own, that’s ok everyone is entitled, and there is nothing wrong with honest disagreement. I don’t want to put you on the spot now, because you’ve indicated that you are uncomfortable with this forum. For now, at this time, however, I am unable to answer 3 out of 5 of your inquiries, because there is not enough info, that’s what I called for investigations as a matter of public record. That was actually the topic of my original column that you made your post in connection with, so I assumed you read it. On your remaining inquiries — also as a matter of public record, I asked the city administration to have the county come to a city council meeting and explain their position. Communication is the key to understanding, as they say. Unfortunately that hasn’t happened. Maybe you would have better luck than me in asking. As far as abusing city staff, I’m totally against that. I am in favor of open and transparent government however, and it sounds like you are too. Anyway, I look forward to hearing from you and chatting, sounds like you have a real interest in this stuff.

    Joe Sack

  48. Some a-hole writes:

    “He was fined by the city of Rye for owning an illegally converted one family house with an illegally finished bedroom (as Anne McCarthy pointed out) in the attic last year.”

    That is a lie. The attic is not considered a bedroom but it’s the type of disingenuous BS that Joe Sack spews all the time. It’s rhetoric like this that puts enormous strain on the people who volunteer their time to serve this city but, Joe Sack, being the dick he really is, pretends to be stupid and calls for investigation after investigation. It’s this type of sh*t that killed VInnie Tamburro. IMO, Mr. Flotie, aided by Joe Sack’s disingenuous “I don’t know the facts so let’s start an investigation so we might be able to fire Vinnie” is the reason why Vinnie is dead. Let’s not sugar coat Vinnie’s death. The stress Vinnie was under due to the fact Mr. Flotie and Pateman were in the building department EVERY day for 8 hrs a day put continual stress on Vinnie’s heart. Heart attacks don’t just pop up. They are caused by months of stress. Vinnie was in fear of losing his job and I’m sure it took a toll on his heart. Joe Sack just sat back and , in Joe Sack Style, took the accusers side just like he’s taking the Dapolite side now. Joe Sack is one of the lowest human beings I have ever known next to Mr. Flotie and Scott Pickup’s health is next on Joe Sack’s list.

  49. Doug,
    It’s interesting that you blame me for Vinnie’s death. Vinnie was Rye’s most trusted and loved employee. Vinnie was as honest as the day was long. Vinnie and I had a great relationship even though he was instructed not to issue violations on Hen Island. He and I both knew the real deal and I did feel bad that he was in the middle; he was so dedicated and just such a nice guy.

    Imagine that, the city’s most valued employee charged with the responsibility of protecting the health, safety and welfare of the public, given a choice by his bosses to lie to about Hen Island, keep his job and feed his family or protect the health, safety and welfare of Rye residents and tell the truth. That is a very difficult place to be; unfortunately the City placed him in that position many times.

    The City spent thousands of dollars in legal fees to keep Vinnie from being deposed in the Schubert case, why? Because they knew he would tell the truth under oath. Why did the County keep the investigation on Hen Island open for two years? Why, so we would not be able to foil the police report during an active investigation that listed all the problems. Problems listed in this report were only released by the County after the court case was dismissed in White Plains and the investigation closed. Instead he was given this BS letter by a politically appointed Westchester County Deputy Health Commissioner who was later fired for his position in this letter. Today, we now know that all of his references to mosquito infestations, sewage and potable water are not true.

    The Judge made a decision without ever reading the below linked County Environmental Police report which strongly contradicts the now unemployed Health Commissioner’s letter.

    So Vinnie was pressured to lie about Hen Island and Vinnie was pressured to lie about Schubert. God only knows what else his was dealing with in your corrupt little city hall.

    Dapolite refused to lie and look what happen to him.

    Chantal told the truth after keeping it a secret for two years. I am sure that caused her a few sleepless nights.

    Gibbons read the handwriting on the wall and quit. She was smart enough not to be a part of Rye City Hall cover your ass BS. It’s my hope she already went downtown to be interviewed as part of the RGC investigation. Rumor has it; she spoke to a few people before she left. You would be shocked at what she said.

    What about all the other people in City Hall that are asked to lie on a daily basis to cover your as*. What about Whittie? What about Eckman? I am sure she is comfortable doing Vinnie’s job. She just wrote a letter to the State of New York (to avoid the regulatory permitting process) telling them that the 34 composting toilets installed on Hen Island were considered appliances. Right, like a dishwasher that you can scrub you’re as*hole with.

    What about all the other support staff working at City Hall? I am sure they are very comfortable going to work every day. They all have families to feed and they all need medical coverage. You could understand why they are so nervous when someone asks a question or records their statements. They have a choice, tell the truth and lose your job or cover someone’s as*, it is no way to live, let alone run a City.

    Anyway back to poor Vinnie. Here is a letter that I wrote to Vinnie about Hen Island and Schubert in February of 09. It really was a shame what he was put thru for the last few years of his life.

    Vinnie was truly one of the nicest guys I ever met!
    Peace, Prayers and blessings to Vinnie and his family.

  50. We have a dead building inspector on our hands. Nothing to see here people just move on. No need to investigate his death when we have a 23 YO with credible allegations against the city and propane tanks floating around Milton Harbor since 1992 and don’t forget the Schubert Pond, we need to get to the bottom of that too.

  51. To ALL,

    This has gone too far, now you are speaking on the death of a beloved husband, father & friend???

    This is down right ridiculous!!!

    I happen to be one of the 1st people on the scene the day Vinnie suffered his heart attack, next to buring my son this was one of the hardest things to witness!

    During the holiday break his 3 CHILDREN paid me a visit to thank me…I was speechless & in tears after they left.

    Have you people no morals, what if his children read all this???


  52. Sorry Jimmy but this has to be said so what happen to Vinnie will never happen again. Thanks to Doug, this situation is now the norm in City Hall today. You know none of the city workers will say anything for fear of being another Dapolite, so let me be the one.

    That is just the problem, to Doug Vinnie was JUST a building inspector but to the rest of the world he was Vinnie Tamburro, a father, husband, a son, a cousin, a friend, a dedicated employee that touched the lives everyone he came in contact with.

    To French Vinnie was just a building inspector. Doug French used Vinnie’s death as an excuse when it came to his illegal building escapades, just days after his death. He used Vinnie’s name as he lined his pockets with his illegal rental property blood money. Another reason why I believe Anne was right when she called him a psychopath. “Let’s be clear on the characteristics of a psychopath: shallow emotions, cold heartedness, egocentricity, superficial charm, manipulativeness, irresponsibility, and criminality, among others.”

  53. Joe,

    Thanks for your response. You are absolutely right in saying that many people on this site have a rigid point of view and are pushing some kind of agenda. It is not that i am uncomfrotable with this forum, I am uncomfortable with the bullying, vicious manner in which many people act with regard to the issues discused here. Unfortunately, their thuggish actions extend beyond cyberspace, which is scary.

    I have my points of view, but don’t expect any that disagree to be swayed by anything that I post on this blog. I only posted here to see what your point of view is as an elected official.

    You posted that there is not enough information regarding Dapolite, RGC and French. That is fair, but surely you do have some sort of opinion on these matters. However, it would make sense that you not share those opinions until all information is available. Personally, I would have handled things differently than French and Fillipi, but that really doesn’t matter.

    It seems that the city council is forced to spend too much time and energy on issues that are being pushed by mean spirited individuals who only want to tear people down instead of working cooperatively to find real solutions to real problems. Hen island is an issue only because one individual makes it an issue and works hard to harass and intimidate people to do his bidding. Rye is the only town I know in which an entire website, Laus Deo is devoted to hatefully bring down the mayor, city manager and anyone that opposes their points of view. There is absolutely no respect for the city council members that volunteer their time to serve the community. Unfortunately these tactics seem to be working. The council and city staff seem to fear these bullies, so it affects the way they perform their duties. That is a sad state of affairs.

  54. Yes D I have to admit I watched Sackass on Rye TV and he does seem like a major prick. Little Napoleon kind of like Ray. Spread the word to voters with reason soon…

  55. Elevator shoes? Really? Why the unmerited personal attacks?

    When it comes to stature Ray stands taller than most others on issues that really matter in life. Trustworthiness, loyalty, respected, ethical, successful, cares for others, values friendships, undeterred resolve, and standing up for what’s right for himself and others even if he has to take a punch once in a while is how I see Ray.

    No I don’t always agree with Ray, but given his character, I do know whatever he is doing it is for the right reasons.

  56. I am a long time resident. My children and now my grandchildren attend Rye schools. In every school they talk about bullies. I am totally ashamed to live in a city that I used to love that is being run by bullies. We live in a democracy and everyone is entitled to their own opinions. There are a dozen individuals that make living in Rye and working in Rye an impossible choice. Nobody appreciates the city staff. It doesn’t matter that they all work with skeleton crews. It doesn’t matter that any number of “bullies” can lie about city staff and it the council just believes these bullies. Mr. Amico, no one should go through what you went through. I was at the funeral for your son. Mr. Pickup didn’t put up the stop signs for several reasons. That stop sign would not have prevented your tragedy. What Mr. Filippi tried to say at the last meeting although he wasn’t eloquent, was true. The bullies have taken over the meetings. So far, nothing illegal has been printed about the RGC. If anything illegal was done, then prosecute to the fullest. I just hate watching these meetings and the city council seems to be listening more to the bullies than to the city staff. Mr. Sack, if you want to be the next Mayor look at who you are listening to. You have young children. You would not want them to be intimidated by bullies. There are good people in this town. They want to be proud of this town. Everybody do the right thing. Be civil to each other. We can have differences but there are ways to express them.

  57. Honest Citizen,

    In referencing your blogging history from your typed profile, today you wrote “I am a long time resident. My children and now my grandchildren attend Rye schools.”

    On September 6 2011 you blogged “I have lived in Rye for almost 15 years.”

    On January 9, 2010 you Blogged “I am a parent of 2 Midland school children.”

    On February 9, 2010 you blogged “When my child was a student at Osborn many years ago, they tried desperately to get parents to volunteer to be crossing guards.”

    And on March 10, 2010 you blogged “I am a mother of 3 children. One goes to Osborn, one middle school, and one high school.

    So now we know you either have Alzheimer’s or you studied at the Doug Dumas French school of honesty but one thing you are not is an honest citizen.

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  58. Ray,

    Thanks for clarifing that I am responding to a nut job, I wouldn’t usually dignify such babbling with a response but given that this individual thinks it’s okay to speak on the death of my son I WILL RESPOND!!!

    Honest Fool,

    Being present, true or false, at my son’s funeral does not give you or any other individual the right to speak of my son’s death in any negative manner what so ever!!!

    Next time you feel so bold to do so then do it at my front door!!!

    You can call that a threat, bullying or any other definition you wish!!!!


    Rye’s unique no-contract, no-bid, no-due diligence files, no-public vote, no-questions asked, no-questions answered, everything above/below board, Kevin Plunkett/ Steve Otis/ O. Paul Shew “special relationship” with the vaporous yet soon increasingly demanding RM Staffing actually kicked off – unbeknownst to taxpayers – in April 2007 – a few days before RM Staffing was apparently even legally incorporated (I know, “just details ted, just details”) – and within 60 days our own Scott Pickup was approving six figure disbursements of public wampum to the same RM. Who knew?

    I bet you didn’t.

  60. D,

    Unfortunately, I no longer believe that your comments are even mildly entertaining. Your comments about a deceased friend and colleague were inappropriate. But that doesn’t change the fact that you are still avoiding the questions I previously asked you, based on your prior comments. Namely:

    1. Dapolite made specific, credible allegations — why shouldn’t they be investigated?

    2. Regarding Hen island, it is clear that you have some personal animosity towards Tartaglione — but what is it that you allege that I have done that is improper?

    3. Regarding Rye Golf Club, you seem the represent that you have personal knowledge of what happened — if so, the council has an ongoing investigation, can you please let us know?

    This can be an unkind forum, especially for those willing to stand up and use their real names. And I understand that there can be some bathroom wall type of stuff that goes on here, so I know what I’m getting into. But even if you’re afraid to give your real name, you’ll need to give real answers to these questions, and not just innuendo and hateful barbs, in order to have any semblence of relevancy and credibility, even on this site.

    Joe Sack

  61. Audio Transcription
    Rye City Council Meeting

    January 23, 2013
    Agenda Item #3 – General Announcements


    Filippi (04:30): Um…there’s uh, there’s another announcement I’d like to make. Um, We I sp- when we came to um…we were elected started in 2010, uh we started this announcement aspect to bring out the best part of Rye. To show- to highlight the volunteerism, let people know about what other activities were happening in uh in and around Rye. Um, so I- but I’d like to talk to you about something else that is more sinister. It’s kind of like acid reflux eating away at your esophagus and eventually causing cancer.

    (05:08): At the last City Council Meeting, Mayor gave his uh assessment of the City of Rye. And it was upbeat and he talked about the volunteerism like the hard work the people of the Sustainability Committee do and the other thing twenty eight-twent nine uh committees that we have. Uh, yet, um… Mr. Sculti who everyone knows from the Rye Golf Club etc. uh, became very agitated and uh angry and yelling and screaming and really inappropriate behavior. Uh, not just here, but also with other people uh within, within the City government. Um, sending nasty emails to people. Um, stating that he is, you know, um….um…. he’s-he’s going to be um… uh…you know… doing things or-or just nasty emails. And-and I don’t think it’s appropriate, I ask you to think, consider if it was your wife, or your daughter, or your mother who was being um… uh attacked in this way. Barging into City Hall with a videocamera and showing it in fro- in the face of our ninety pound…uh…uh City Clerk, you know, then…then…uh or other people and…and uh firing off questions etc. and then re-editing it so it looks different.

    (06:26): Um, also, you know, nasty things such as uh the fact that Eleanor Militana’s children work at the Golf Club, somehow making that somehow sinister and that it was part of this whole um…this whole fiasco which we have at the Golf Club which is very unfortunate to someone like that.

    (06:44): He mentioned that his blog is Laus Deo, which is- got his inspiration from the Washington Memorial, that it’s up higher than any other um uh… nothing higher in the city of Washington D.C. Um…

    (06:57): The uh… you know, the…this….this escalated now he feels that- I have to ask him, does he feel he’s above the law when he barged into a Police Arbitration Meeting here in the Mayor’s Conference Hall which is private, it’s not something that is open to the public. Me, or anybody else. It’s between the City Manager, Police- Police Union, and the arbitrator. And he barged in and had to be ordered from the room. I think that is very inappropriate behavior. And then, and then what’s going to be next. If we don’t stop this type of behavior now, he is going to start stalking Laura Brett home, or Mr. Sack from- on the way home from the train.

  62. Audio Transcription
    Rye City Council Meeting

    January 23, 2013
    Agenda Item #3 – General Announcements


    (07:36): Um… you know, it’s a concern I think- talking to people about the Rye Golf Club, they- some people are afraid of joining because they don’t want to be tagged for some reason by him and being put on Laus Deo. I think that- I think that’s unfortunate. Um, you know, there’s uh… there’s many- there’s things like that.

    (07:57) This vendetta against the Mayor and City Manager, um, he keeps referring to the Andrew Dapolite incident. Um, I’d like to take a minute and run through that incident uh…if I might, even though it was a- should have been left as a internal HR uh issue. It was a workshop with the Fire Department and the Board of Wardens, workshops aren’t filmed, um… it was uh… it was- he went in there, he manipulated the cameras, etc. um…he was, he was- felt a little a little funny about it sometime later, he was asked to speak to the to uh…he felt that he should maybe speak to somebody, somebody told him to speak to Scott and that never happened.

    (08:37): Uh, next thing we knew, you know, there was um, there was all this stuff in the newspaper um uh…. You know, there- we asked the Board of Ethics to interview uh um the the people involved, um they were able to interview Andrew, then uh other things cam- got in the way. There was a lawsuit that was given to us by John- uh filed by John Carey for him uh… um, cost the city $30,000, that’s $30,000 that’s uh… a crossing guard we could have used for… for during the construction.

    (09:17): Um, you know I…I understand he’s got a friend Andrew. They’ve worked together and uh you know he’s upset about the letter being in the personnel file. That was for hostile work environment um… that’s- that has- you can’t just ignore that sort of thing I’m sorry about that. Um, but you just can’t ignore that. The um… and um…no one would have known uh if if if people didn’t come here to the podium and talk about that so again, uh that’s the problem. You know, um… this…you know this this uh you know he also- excuse me (drinks water)

    (10:08): I’m sorry he’s not here. Leon um also was upset by the fact that he had an email- I’m not sure how he got that- saying that, asking that- the Mayor asking Nicole Levitsky to keep the camera off of Mr. Floatie and he felt that somehow that was um infringing on someone’s um…um… freedom of speech. But do people remember what it was like here in the uh in the uh prior administration where the the the three ring circus it would be with the uh with these cartoon characters and and facemasks. Now Ray likes to- Ray Tartaglione who brought them in here likes to tell the story about how he made a deal with the Mayor that if the Mayor uh…. That he wasn’t going to bring them in. The truth was we told him anyone who comes in with a mask we’ll call- we’re going to have them arrested because that’s against the law under the Ku Klux Klan Law.

    (11:00): So, um… you know that’s- there’s other things like that as well. You know, I understand that again, about uh about Andrew, but you know- to Andrew Dapolite, from me, you know I never steered you wrong, I’ve never gave you- I worked with you but you know I but I don’t think what you are doing is right where um Nicole Levitsky had to file a police report because of the way you behaved. That’s that’s not right. Um, I think your anger at her his misappropriated. I think you anger should be focused on the older adults that told you to go to the press and file the lawsuit. That all becomes public information now—

    French (11:45): Richard, Richard I think—

    Filippi: I’m sorry, I’m sorry!

    French: Okay

    Filippi: But unfortunately, you know, when you’re a very talented per- when a when an employer sees that a very talented videographer and and the HR department goes and looks up on google and see’s these issues come up, they just put that resume into the shredder and I’m sorry for you uh for that.

    French: Make you point and stay away from personnel issu-

    Filippi: My point is also, you know that…that…you know people might say well you know I’m doing this because I don’t like to take the heat. Well that’s not true because actually they don’t really know- they havn’t targeted me- a couple of silly emails from Chittenden

    Killian: Until now…

    Filippi: ‘Til now! Yea (laughs) Um…but um…

    Jovanovich (12:30): Have you renovated your house recently? (laughs)

    Filippi: But uh that’s not the point. The point is that it’s very corrosive. I’ve talked to people about joining committees, I’ve talked to people about getting involved in in politics here in Rye, and they all say “No I don’t want to- I don’t want that aggravation. I don’t want to be singled out for something that I decide on. I think that’s sad. That’s a sad situation we are now in, and that’s affected the number of people we can get for volunteer such as CCAC which we’re short people. We need people. Are they going to be actively pursued because they say things that someone doesn’t like. And, you know, the other thing is, people tend to say, “Oh it’s just them. It’s just the City Council being- handling this”. But, from history class I remember uh… a story about um… someone who had wrote down in Nazi Germany. When they- first they came and they took the Jews and the Gays because I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t Jewish and I wasn’t gay. Then they came and took those who were politically active, and I didn’t speak up for them because I wasn’t politically active. And then they came for the Catholic Priests, but I wasn’t Catholic so I didn’t speak up for them. And then they came for me, and no one was there to speak for me.

    (13:48): So that’s the type of thing that I want people in Rye to be aware, that you know, it may be directed in one place now, but it may come back to you as well. Um…that that there’s…I think people are- should ask- should demand an end to this insanity. Um, there’s no reason why we can’t talk and share ideas etc. in a uh in a in a normal way without shouting and screaming at one another. I think that these personal attacks on people- you know, we’re all volunteers here. The City Manager is a hired City employee, the City employees don’t- shouldn’t have to uh uh bear these uh uh types of of of problems at work. They should be able to come to work and do the work the best they can.

    (14:38): Um, so… it’s…there’s- I always say there’s three types of people. There’s schadenfreude, people who derive pleasure from other people’s misery. I want to know, is there anybody here like that? Anybody like that sort of thing? And then there’s the other group. Those who are spineless, those who- people you know, who they don’t they don’t stand up for anything. Is anybody like that?

    O’Brien: May I say something?

    Filippi: No, no I’m not finished. And then there’s the other people with the backbone that would stand up and make a stand uh… ask to stop this insanity. You know emails saying you know…to to Scott Pickup calling him a fool because he didn’t- the City Golf Club was scheduled for the same night as this. He has no say in that. He has no- things like that. That’s unacceptable behavior. I think we should all move back to more civility. And, and stop these personal attacks on each other because we’re only hurting Rye which is a place we all say we love. So that’s my point.

    French (15:47): Richard, thank you.

    Filippi: Sorry. Sorry I took so long.

    French: Julie?

    Killian: I just want to say, being the newest person here, there there there clearly are some frustrations to working in government, to working in City Council and some of our groups, but I just want to not let things that you highlighted and some of the things we might see here to put anyone off because the large majority of what we do- I really like being on City Council. I… I like it much more than I thought I would and the large majority of people that we deal with are really terrific. There’s a lot of talented people and a lot of really good things that we do, so for any of you in the audience and anybody watching, if you are thinking about running for City Council or being on a Board or Commission, we welcome you, and please do not let uh, any of the negative things you might see cuz there’s a lot of really good people and good things that that go on here. So…

    French: Okay. Um thank you. Uh yea, as I prepared for my State of the City speech I did a lot of reading about history of Rye and this is an extremely passionate community as evidenced by Councilman Filippi but—

    Lefkowitz: Can I respond to him?

    Filippi: Uh…Section 9.

    French: We will uh… you know, we’re committed to not make comments personal, and keep the debate up front and move forward. Now we’re going to move on and take comments in the Resident’s Section.

  63. How did Felippi even get elected? His speaking abilities are god awful. He can barely form sentences. And I was told by those in the room that he was actually reading off a sheet of a paper? Yikes!

    And I thought he was advocating AGAINST personal attacks? Those who live in glass houses…

  64. First they came for Mr. Floatie
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t Mr. Floatie.

    Then they came for Jack A (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)
    and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t Jack A (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant).

    Then they came for Richard Filippi
    and I didn’t speak out because every time he speaks he is an embarrassment to himself and to the City!

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  65. Wow. Let’s give thanks to “Heil Filippi” for transcript-ing all that below. Having personally transcript-ed Mr. French’s high bench dodge of Mr. Tartaglione’s persistent questioning about the secret, uninspected, unpermitted conversion of his 13 Richard Place from oil to gas heating I know the effort required. Great job.

    But by the way “Heil,” regrettably The Rye Record sees fit to characterize Mr. Filippi’s unique “statement” in the glowing praise. You’re true transcription below, by their measure, is simply not “interpreted” correctly…

    “To say the least, Filippi’s heartfelt and well-intentioned comments struck a nerve,…”

  66. Richard Filippi seems to be under a tremendous amount of stress, evident through his psychopathic rant last week. Perhaps being a Councilman is too much for him. He’s lost nearly all his hair… Poor Dick. Where did D go?

  67. Hmmm. Somehow I can’t seem to find any references here to “heartfelt and well-intentioned.”


    “Filippi leveled a pointed verbal assault against Sculti, whom he said had an abrasive and unorthodox approach toward city officials. Sculti maintains the blog, LausDeo that has been outwardly critically of the current mayor, city manager and other Rye elected officials. But the councilman didn’t stop with Sculti.”

    I think this is about as well balanced and well back-grounded as they come. Great job Chris.

    (Cue whimpering about bullying and hominem attacking.)

  68. Rogaine for Filippi,
    Now, now, that is a personal attack and that is exactly what Councilman (Dick) Filippi was talking about.

    Just because the mayor expects the rest of Rye to get building permits and pay property taxes, that does not mean that he has to.

    And don’t think for one minute residents and city employees are allowed to speak out exposing wrongdoing, just because Councilman (Dick) Filippi is allowed to personally attack whomever he likes. Don’t you bullies know the rules in Rye? Do as I say not as I do!

    Jack A. (Mr. Floatie’s ass-istant)

  69. Councilman Sack,

    Filippi’s little BS session @ the council meeting is a stone cold example of how residents are treated in Rye when they speak the truth. Your comments about the Dapolite case are right on point. As you know I have been singing a similar song about health and safety for years, only to also be attacked by the Mayor, Mr. Pickup and now Filippi, whom I am confident, was instructed to speak up by his “commandant of malfeasance”, Mayor Doug French.

    Although I am happy to see Rye finally taking a hard look @ the French administration and their antics, I am concerned about the health exposure to residents and children that this council has been ignoring and allowing to continue? Are the residents in Rye going to wait till someone contracts WNV? We have been on borrowed time in Rye.

    Laura Brett bragged at the City Council meeting “there were no cases of WNV reported in Rye” even though tests on Hen Island and @ the Nature Center showed positive results. Peter Jovanovich newspaper headline exclaimed “NO EMERGENCY YET”

    Two weeks later three people in Mamaroneck were and still are suffering from West Nile Virus. Careful when you speak the truth @ a Council meeting. You will soon become their target.

  70. Yes, Rye wit,

    Don’t you know an honest man when you see one??? The one who says there’s propane tanks floating around Milton Harbor since 1992!!! You can’t get more honest than that, can you?? How about the honesty of admitting that Hen Island supplies Westchester County with WNV???? Now, there’s a statement even Honest Abe would agree with! Forget about Shubert’s swamp, or the water hazards on the Rye Golf Club, or the 20,000 catch basins that the BOH don’t treat every year, or the gutters attached to every house in Westchester, or the untreated private pools or the vernal pools that are in every woods or the dead trees that are all over Westchester, or the leaves on the floor of all the woods in Westchester, NO, that couldn’t be the cause, WNV is caused by chlorinated cisterns on a 20 acre island in Milton Harbor and the BOH is covering that fact up !!

    And don’t forget Joe “Truth and Justice” Sack. He agrees with every honest statement Mr. Flotie says.

    P.S. Mr. Flotie is so honest he inadvertently forgot to tell everyone in Rye that his dock system was floating right next to those propane tanks that have been lurking just beneath the surface of Milton Harbor since 1992! Now that’s what I call honest!

  71. Joe “Truth and Justice” Sack,

    Since you are one of those dumbass lawyer types, would a man be considered fit to stand trail if he thought there were propane tanks floating around Milton Harbor since 1992??????



  73. Pickup is going to wipe MyRye readers @sess?

    Finally, somebody found something Pickup is good for. And here I thought he was useless.

    I’m going to go take some ex-lax. I hope Pickup brings his raincoat and boots.


    Journal News – Feb 9, 2013 – Written By Leah Rae –

    RYE — A Rye TV employee who blew the whistle on his superiors last year, accusing the city manager of trying to suppress a video of a council workshop, is back in the public eye again.

    His case has become part of a larger tension over transparency and civility in Rye’s public discourse. In a heated exchange last month, Councilman Richard Filippi, proclaiming a need for civility, accused the former employee without explanation of trying to “shake down” the city.
    In response, the ex-staffer, Andrew Dapolite, shared emails and audiotapes with The Journal News that seem to bolster the claims he made a year ago. His complaint went to the city ethics board but did not result in a clear ruling.

    “I believe that this affects a lot more people than myself,” he said. “It touches upon the virtues of truth and honesty and transparency.”

    Dapolite wrote to the council a year ago that his supervisor and the city manager forced him to lie to people who were inquiring whether there was a recording of the Jan. 25, 2012, workshop. The meeting concerned fire department restructuring, a sensitive proposal that was eventually approved. The video wasn’t posted online until 13 days after the meeting — initially with reduced audio levels. Councilman Joseph Sack, who missed most of the workshop, was among those who wanted to see the video.

    Dapolite, then Rye TV production coordinator, said he saw the meeting being taped by his supervisor, Nicole Levitsky, in the City Hall control room. After members of the public started calling to ask for the video, Dapolite said, he began surreptitiously recording conversations with her because he feared retaliation for speaking up.

    In the recordings, Levitsky apologizes repeatedly to Dapolite for putting him in an uncomfortable position. She says City Manager Scott Pickup “doesn’t want to release that we have this video.”
    “I shouldn’t have told you to, like, just tell people we didn’t tape it,” she says. “I’m sorry for that.”

    Dapolite, 23, resigned in July as the city Ethics Board gave an unclear ruling. The board said unspecified “pressures” led to his complaint and hinted vaguely that something unethical was done.

    Pickup and Levitsky said they considered the matter settled.

    “He showed all that to the ethics committee, and they gave their opinion on it,” Levitsky said.
    Pickup called it a “made-for-TV issue.” He said that he was initially unaware that there was video of the meeting and that because it was taped only for backup purposes — a stationary shot by a single camera — it wasn’t posted under the usual procedure.

    “We’ve always made everything available as quickly as we can, and made as much public information available as we possibly can. So there was no conspiracy of silence here,” he said.

    But some of the facts got lost last month when Councilman Filippi responded to a local blogger, Leon Sculti, who blasted the city over a lack of transparency. Sculti has relentlessly pursued public records on the city-owned Rye Golf Club, where the former manager is now under investigation.

    During a Jan. 9 meeting, and again on Jan. 23, Filippi claimed that Dapolite had been reprimanded for making a “hostile work environment.”

    In reality, Dapolite was reprimanded for using Rye’s digital equipment for non-city business, via a letter that came the day after his complaint went to the Ethics Board. Dapolite said that personal use of the equipment was common and that he’d never been shown a policy to the contrary. He sued Pickup for “illegal retaliation,” a claim that was ultimately settled without payment.

    Filippi, apparently referring to that lawsuit, accused Dapolite of trying to “shake down” the city.
    Rye Corporation Counsel Kristen Wilson disputed the shakedown characterization in an interview later.

    “We were in bona fide, good-faith discussions regarding a separation agreement (with Dapolite),” she said. “Obviously that didn’t happen. I wouldn’t call that a shakedown, I would call that the normal course of negotiating a settlement.”

    Pickup and Wilson say the reprimand against Dapolite was unrelated to his complaint to the council. Still, emails between Wilson and Dapolite’s then-attorney, Aldo Vitagliano, show that the city was seeking the withdrawal of his complaint in return for clearing Dapolite’s personnel file.

  75. The French & Filippi 13 minute rant/plan was to discredit anyone that questions/exposes the way the (Madoff Moment) French administration illegally operates in Rye. Too bad it backfired in their faces.

    You can’t run a city if you are in the third grade. They had a few snow days off from school. I wonder what trouble our little boys are going to cook up now. The devil makes use of idle hands!

    Journal news article linked below:|newswell|text|Frontpage|s&nclick_check=1

  76. What I think is more telling than the Filippi rant is the response from residents in the audience. Filippi’s feeble attempt to get support from citizens to speak out against residents that speak up at council meetings, using the Niemoller quote backfires in his face. Watch Mrs. Lefkowits’s response to Filippi’s comparison of Jewish people that were murdered in ovens to Rye residents that speak out at council meetings.

  77. Ray Tartaglione writes:

    “Mrs. Lefkowits’s response to Filippi’s comparison of Jewish people that were murdered in ovens to Rye residents that speak out at council meetings. ”

    Leftkowits ????? You are a dimwit.

    Fillippi is sending the write message. The Peon Skull-f*ck crowd killed Vinnie Tamburro and they think nothing is wrong with that. When is Rye going to investigate Vinnie’s death?

  78. According to the article Fillippi is correct about the shakedown. There was a shakedown in progress until they found out they were holding a pair of two’s and dropped the lawsuit. The lawsuit filed may be the first time a civil servant dropped a lawsuit when his accusations were SUPPOSEDLY credible. Meanwhile, Joe Sack continues to claim his accusations are credible. Hmmm……

  79. From The Journal News’ Lea Rae,

    “In the recordings, Levitsky apologizes repeatedly to Dapolite for putting him in an uncomfortable position.

    She says City Manager Scott Pickup “doesn’t want to release that we have this video.”

    “I shouldn’t have told you to, like, just tell people we didn’t tape it,” she says. “I’m sorry for that.”

  80. From Rye Sound Shore Reviews’ Christian Falcone,

    The Rye TV saga centers on a contentious Jan. 25, 2012 Fire Department workshop with the City Council.

    At that meeting, members of the City Council, public, press and representatives of the Fire Department were told by City Manager Pickup that the meeting wasn’t taped. However, the truth emerged that the meeting had in fact been videotaped, then kept out of public view for 13 days and specifically kept away from Councilman Joe Sack, a Republican adversary of the mayor and city manager.

  81. In Reality,

    Contrast those audiotaped comments made by Levitsky, with those made by Pickup in the very same article:

    “We’ve always made everything available as quickly as we can, and made as much public information available as we possibly can. So there was no conspiracy of silence here,”

    Mr. Pickup: Why did it take 13 days to have the video posted?

    Why were the audio levels manipulated when it was posted?

    Why did Levitsky ask Dapolite to lie? Are you even aware of your Council resolutions? Why didn’t you follow it?

    “…the meetings will be audio taped and made available to the public through the same media as video recorded meetings.”

    Why is “Left No Wits” using the same IP address as “RGC Dimwit”?


    For “EVERY” expected flood the RPD graciously issues a “PUBLIC” announcement to “ALL” Indian Village residents to use the Cedar St. parking lot for high ground to protect their vehicles from damages that “WILL” result from the floods.

    Then you become the target of two officers because they do not agree with their Lieutenant’s relationship with you, they tow your vehicle at the cost of $155.00 & issue you three tickets…..this is called a “SHAKEDOWN”!!!

    Scott Pickup allowed and or took part in the “THEFT” of MILLIONS of DOLLARS from RGC…..this is called a “SHAKEDOWN”!!!

    Mayor French took an ILLEGAL DOUBLE TAX DEDUCTION for 10 YEARS…..this is called a “SHAKEDOWN”!!!
    The only thing I didn’t agree with Andrew Dapolite on was him dropping his law suit!

    Andrew has recorded proof of his allegations and was treated unethically in so many ways and Councilman Filippout is accusing Andrew of a “SHAKEDOWN”??????????????????????

  83. I’m not trying to shakedown Scott Pickup, it just so happens all my private conversations are recorded just in case someone asks me about a meaningless workshop video.

  84. Left No Wits-

    First of all, I can’t believe a Councilman is still blogging anonymously on MyRye. Second, the Fire Department restricting was a big deal. There was even talk about making Connors the Public Safety Commissioner. Pickup, with the added responsibility of volunteers reporting to his office, would have certainly received a pay raise. But none of this matters, right?

    Dapolite recording Pickup and Levitsky after speaking up was a smart thing to do. They obviously tried their best to get rid of him. And it seems these videotapes implicate Levitsky in particular. Why did she tell Dapolite that “Scott doesn’t want to release that we have this video”? Why did Pickup lie for 13 days? Why was Dapolite instructed specifically to not tell Councilman Sack- the very person who requested the video to begin with?

    You really think a City Manager lying, concealing a record, and instructing staff to lie is not a big deal?!

  85. Wow Jim,

    I’m laughing so hard, I just blew coffee out my nose. So now, it’s Scott Pickup’s fault because he’s being investigated??? This wasn’t his idea, it was Sack and the rest of his pedestrian crybabies over at Sack sure likes to spend money on his lawyer buddies, doesn’t he???? Sack loves these investigations and loves to spend money trying to run the City from a Councilperson’s chair. This is the same sh*t that killed Vinnie. Fillippi is right and has the guts to say it. Sack, OTOH, is not Fillippi.

    BTW, Does Mr. Flotie run

  86. Funny,

    Joe Sack is all for investigating numerous issues which haven’t physically hurt anyone BUT when someone actually DIES from the sh*t going on in Rye, all the stuff Mr. Fillippi has been talking about, there is not a whimper to find out what happened. Hmmm…………

  87. Hey Jackass,

    You really need to drop the subject of Vinnies’s death….SERIOUSLY A**HOLE!!!

    But before you do that can you just clear a few things up…..

    FTR – Just what exactly are you implying???

    What shit going on in Rye are you referring to???

    I thought you were on Pickup’s A** WIPING patrol???
    Now you want Sack to investigate him for the death of one of his Employees???

    You are a very contradicting individual!!!

  88. This morning while we wait, here’s some historic math –

    3 x 24 = 72

    “Once the “smoking gun” tape was made public on August 5, Nixon’s political support evaporated. All the Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee who had voted against impeachment in committee announced that they would now vote for impeachment once the matter reached the House floor. He lacked substantial support in the Senate as well. Facing impeachment in the House of Representatives and an almost certain conviction in the Senate, Nixon announced his resignation on the evening of Thursday, August 8, to take effect noon the next day.”

  89. Just listened to the phone call between Rye TV employees. It is strikingly clear the city manager was told there was a recording of the meeting in question. The Rye TV director says, point blank, she told the city manager of the recording, for some reason he did not want release it, and that he never wanted the recording made in the first place.

    Councilman Jovanovich, pronounced YOvanovich, was dead wrong, this is not “municipal porn,” it appears to be a total abuse of power from the city managers office.

    His words and actions are not worthy of a council seat.

  90. New –


    “This Wednesday night, the Rye City Council, which says it does not condone the city manager lying to the public, will vote to create legislation to protect one of the biggest lies and disgraces ever orchestrated by City Manager Scott Pickup–the concealment of a public record, and the termination of a young City of Rye employee’s career who dared to challenge him by telling the truth.”

    More here –

  91. Okay, will the folks who are stirring the pot about this week’s City Council agenda kindly identify the specific item they believe is going to legislate away any investigations? The only thing even close to this is the proposal to … “televise all public meetings of the City Council including regular meetings, special meetings, and workshops.” If there’s something really there, make it clear. Otherwise, please cease with the henny penny sky is falling stuff.

  92. @Robert Zahm

    All Rye has to do is run a sewer,electric and fresh water line to Hen Island and all Rye’s troubles will go away. All Rye’s troubles started when Mr. Flotie appeared and they will disappear when Mr. Flotie has water, sewer and electric feeding his summer cottage on Hen Island. Until that day, every City official who doesn’t agree with Mr. Flotie’s agenda, ESPECIALLY whoever holds the City Manager’s position, will be discredited no matter how reputable they are.

  93. You forgot Otis, Shew, Tamburro, scores of State Judges, 4 BOH commisioners, all the commissioners of NYS, Andrew Cuomo, Scott Pickup, etc..

    In your paranoid little world it’s called cover, in the real world it’s called applying the law equally to all NYS residents.

  94. Fly on the Wall,

    I do not know how any honest hearted citizen can go into Executive Session and restrain themselves from the dishonest S*** that goes on in those sessions?????

    They think Joe is a problem, they need to be glad my wife put the cabosh on me running, I would have won easily and I would NEVER take part in any DISHONEST BS WHATSOEVER….PERIOD!!!

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