Playland Beach Closed for Season? Maybe…

This is sort of interesting…

This update from the Chairman of the Playland Advisory Group says "During construction, the Rye Beach… will be closed – possibly for the season." This seems in contrast with Pol Judy Myers' letter to last week that ask people to stay off the beach because "We need to get the boardwalk and beach back in shape for the 2013 Playland season."

What's the over/under on Playland beach opening in 2013? Leave a comment below.

Here is the update:

April 21, 2013
From:  Garrick M. Gelinas (Chairman, Playland Advisory Group)   

For the past 85 years, Playland has never failed to open on opening day.  This year is no different, despite the challenges presented by Hurricane Sandy.  Westchester County’s Playland Amusement Park will open on-time May 11th as planned.  Playland management and staff are working tirelessly to ensure the rides (including Kiddie Land), concessions, and entertainment is ready for the season.  This 2013 season will once again bring family fun to everyone!

Although construction has commenced, the Boardwalk and Pier will not be ready for the opening day.  Unfortunately, the damage to this part of the park from Hurricane Sandy is extensive.  Boards are pulled up.  Iron fencing bent like twine.  And, most concerning, the structural under-carriage in some sections need full repair. 

Ensuring safety during construction is the top priority.  Visitors are being asked to use caution along the boardwalk construction areas – which includes the fountain area, now being used as a staging area.  Infected areas will be clearly fenced off and marked.  Please be alert and do not enter these restricted areas. 

Importantly, to the naked eye, the boardwalk may look strong enough to walk on, yet what lies underneath is a different story.

The construction to the Boardwalk and Pier will be in phases through the next several months.  Work has already started near the administration building and around the outside of the Ice Casino toward the beginning of the Pier.  Once completed, work will continue along the other parts of the boardwalk. 
During construction, the Rye Beach, steps from the Bath Houses along the boardwalk will be closed – possibly for the season.  During this time, visitors are invited to enjoy Oakland Beach and Rye Park next door.

Lastly, we welcome you and your families to Playland Amusement Park on May 11th for opening day, and throughout the season.  Enjoy a day for FUN.  The Dragon Coaster is waiting for you.


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