Rye’s VolunTravel Offering Trips to Cuba & Galapagos

VolunTravel, a non-profit run by Rye Middle School teacher Craig Dreves, is offering two international service trips next Spring – one to Cuba and a second to the Galapagos Islands:

VOLUNTRAVEL INFO SESSION – Thursday, May 23, 2013 at 7pm in the Rye Free Reading Room.

Want to see the world AND make a difference?  Why not join VolunTravel and our own extraordinary RMS 6th grade teacher Craig Dreves on an international service trip in 2014? 

Upcoming family trips include:
HAVANA, CUBA -  February 15-22, 2014 
(This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to conduct a people to people intercultural exchange in Havana, Cuba.  Voluntravelers will work alongside the Cuban Institute for Friendship with the People (ICAP) and learn about the history and struggles of the Cuban people and conduct smaller volunteer projects while in Havana.  Visas and legal license for entry into Cuba are handled by Global Exchange.)

(VolunTravelers will see some of the most spectacular sites in the world that somehow have remained wild and almost untouched by mankind.  We'll volunteer with Galapagos ICE reconstructing a local playground..  Plenty of time will be dedicated to see the major sites and experience the flora and fauna of the Galapagos Islands too!)

Come meet Craig Dreves, the VolunTravel board, and former VolunTravelers at the Rye Free Reading Room next Thursday, May 23 at 7pm.  Contact Craig for more information at Craig@voluntravel.com.


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