Help Wanted: Substitute Teachers for all Rye City Schools
Are you a Rye-based business looking to hire local residents? Let us know!

The award-winning Rye City School district is seeking substitute teachers – including college students and recent grads – for this summer.
“(Summer) happens to be one of the most challenging times of the year in terms of finding enough substitute teachers to cover school classrooms. Happily, the RCSD substitute policy allows cleared college-aged students to serve as substitute teachers!,” said Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources & Leadership Brian J. Alm, Ed.D.
The details:
- $110/day
- individuals can choose the school level (Elementary, Middle, or High School) they prefer
- great way for future educators to get classroom experience, and for non-education majors to gain work experience
If you know of a recent college graduate or current college student who may be interested in helping the school community in the coming weeks, please tell them to email their resume and a note of interest to the RCSD office of Human Resources, care of: [email protected].