Council Candidate Reports on Convo with Hazing Dad

CORRECTION: Lamont is not a Republican, we regret the error. He claried for us: "As I “testified” to the Rye Democratic Party Screening Committee last week I have neither approached the Republican Party nor plan on doing so. In fact, I have been a registered Democrat for the past 25 years in the States of New York, NY, San Francisco Calif., West Palm Beach, Fla, Indianapolis, Ind., and as an absentee ballotter in Boulougne, Fr."

City Council Candidate P. Stephen Lamont submitted a recent report from one of his "Park Bench" meetings. Although some dismiss Lamont as a serious candidate and the Republican party has reportedly told him he will not get the nod to run on their ticket. Lamont tackles the sensitive subject of hazing in his most recent report.

The Rye City Schools hazing incident happened almost exactly one year ago, so the issue is fresh in the minds of many residents. In his update, Lamont reports on a conversation with the father of Max Meyerson, one of the teens arrested last year:

"As part of my capacity as a candidate for the Rye City Council in November, this week I met with Craig Meyerson.  Mr. Meyerson issue is: selective treatment.

As to selective treatment, Mr. Meyerson's son was arrested in June 2012 for hazing.  According to published reports and eyewitness accounts, two vehicles were involved with several students inside each vehicle.  In the first vehicle, all three students were arrested and in the second vehicle none were arrested; Mr. Meyerson alleges selective treatment in that an occupant of the second vehicle was the son of one of Rye's more "monied families." As for ramifications at RHS, students in the second car received three week suspensions from RHS while occupants of the first car were barred from School from September 2012 to February 2013; in fact, Mr. Meyerson's son walked out of his English exam at the RFRR while I was talking to his Dad. An unarguably pleasant and respectful 17 year old, Mr. Meyerson's son has been accepted at a Division 2 college in the Fall where he will continue his baseball career.

Lastly, I advised Mr. Meyerson that where Westchester County released the name of his minor son, they did so in violation of three Federal laws: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA or the Buckley Amendment); 42 USC § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights; and 11 USC 112 – Prohibition on disclosure of name of minor children.

Finally, as to the damage to his young son’s reputation on the Internet, I suggested that it is repairable by having his son flood the Internet with positive blogs and comments about articles of interest (not Facebook or other social networking sites) and by subscribing to a reputation repair service such as ($30 per month) where you can drive positive comments up to the first page on any search engine and drive negative comments down on ensuing pages.

Best Regards,

P. Stephen Lamont
Chief Executive Officer
Iviewit Holdings, Inc."



  1. Jay,

    Thank you for the post, but your introduction is news to me. I have neither approached the Republican Party nor plan on doing so. In fact, I would not run on a Republican ticket and their corrupt platform if they were the last organization in the land, and these are the facts!

  2. Jay I think it would make sense that the Republican Party would not favor a lifelong registered DEMOCRAT who didn’t seek an interview with them to begin with. I think the designation of PSL as a GOP interview seeking guy above is an error, yes? Or perhaps what used to pass for the local Republican Party is unaware of many things (like the governmental corruption they have now widely unleashed on Rye) and this basic fact about Candidate Lamont is just one of them. I also hear that the Rye GOP also declined to interview Scott Yandrasevich but were seen having cocktails with him anyway at his yacht club in the Bronx. Not sure it’s true but we can always ask them to confirm this….

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