Blind Brook Lodge Scores More Parking Spots After City Approval

A solution to the parking problem at Rye's Blind Brook Lodge co-op has been reached following a series of government approvals.

Blind Brook Lodge

The co-op's law firm McCullough, Goldberger & Staudt, LLP issued a news release touting their work on the project. What do you think? Leave a comment below.

Here are some of the details:

Additional parking spaces are needed for the residents of the building, which is located at 66 Milton Road in Rye. There is a garage in the 133-unit building which holds 41 parking spaces, and the cooperative also owns a site across the street, 75 Milton Road, that has tennis courts, gardens, a playground, and 38 parking spaces. The parking shortage was causing shareholders to lease parking spaces off-site including at a nearby church (which is currently for sale) and the Rye Arts Center.

The special permit/zoning variance from the Rye Board of Appeals and the site plan approval from the Rye Planning Commission secured by the firm allow for a new parking lot consisting of 92 spaces to be constructed at 75 Milton Road, bringing the Blind Brook Lodge parking capacity to a total of 133 spaces – one for every unit in the building.  The new plan incorporates modern stormwater management measures, energy efficient LED lights, and enhanced landscaping, while retaining much of the existing gardens in the rear of the property, as well as the existing playground, so these amenities may continue to be enjoyed by the shareholders.  The plan also retains and enhances a substantial vegetative buffer between the new parking lot and the closest residential neighbor to the south.

In addition, as required by the Rye Planning Commission and endorsed by the Rye Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Committee, the project will include the installation of state-of-the-art traffic and pedestrian safety technology, including solar-powered LED flashing beacons, which can be activated by pedestrians to better alert drivers of the crosswalk between 66 and 75 Milton Road..


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