On Playland, Rye Tells County Boss Astorino to Kiss The Ring

In a letter to Westchester County, Rye City is aserting control over Rye Playland. Rye is maintaining it has final say over the never ending Playland "re-invention" process.

From LoHud.com:

"Adding another layer of complication to the already fraught approval process for an overhaul of Playland Amusement Park, Rye is asserting that it has to approve the plans for the historic Westchester County-owned park.

The plans by Sustainable Playland, the nonprofit chosen by County Executive Rob Astorino to take over management of the park, must get zoning and environmental approvals from Rye, the city said in a letter to the county.

Not only that, Rye wants to run the review by designating itself lead agency. It may take the dispute to the state if the county also declares itself lead agency, a lawyer for the city, Michael Gerrard of Arnold & Porter, said in the letter dated March 20.

The county has said it has sole approval authority."

Read the rest of the article.

Now read the love note Rye City sent to the County.

Feels like a rollercoaster ride…



  1. SPI is finished . These people are busy local Rye people who have been knifed in back by Sack .

    While the residents around Playland can do a victory strut for a short while , wait til you see what replaces bankrupt Playland who WILL bring in huge legal team and bury Rye.

    Anybody recall that brilliant move by Otis to sue Home Depot to prevent the store on Midland that 3/4 of Rye shops in each weekend now ? Cost taxpayers millions and store came anyway .

    I hope Live Nation steps into the void and moves forward to build a big open concert hall for weekly rap concerts . They will have a team of lawyers drain Rye taxpayers for millions opposing it ( and be called racists in process )

    ” The Devil You Know Is ALWAYS Better Than the Devil You Don’t Know ”

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