Latimer: Coffee Klatch Report

State Senator and Rye resident George Latimer filed the following coffe klatch report with

"Coffee, coffee cake and conversation were on the menu once again at Ruby's Oyster Bar and Bistro last Saturday morning, May 31st, as Assemblyman Steve Otis, County Legislator Catherine Parker and State Senator George Latimer – all Rye residents – held the most recent session of their "Coffee and Conversation" Series. The gathering began at 9:30 a.m. and lingered past 11 a.m. with 20+ visitors in attendance, including City Councilwoman Julie Killian. The attendees were primarily from Rye, but there were individuals from Port Chester, Yonkers, and Mamaroneck, among other communities, present as well.

The issues surrounding Playland and its future were most frequently asked about; Legislator Parker gave an update on the status of the Board of Legislators' Committee review process for the proposed changes, and shared as well her recent announcement opposing the Field House plan for the Playland Parking Lot. Residents including Irwin and Linda Lefkowitz of Rye and Barbara Nardi of Rye Brook expressed their unhappiness with the SPI plan and preference to see Playland improve its fortunes with better marketing and upgrade of the traditional facilities. Parker invited people to contact her directly to share their thoughts on the matter in the next few critical months.

On other matters, Vreni Roduner of Rye raised some key environmental issues, including her opposing the Spectra Pipeline, and supporting plans by Easthampton town on L.I. to implement their 2020 Green initiative (a proposal she encourages Rye to consider); Rev. Bruce Baker highlighted the need for broader access to Kindergarten services throughout New York State to ensure better education results for students as they grow and mature. One resident asked about the need to improve the Do Not Call registry to make it more effective in reducing unwanted telemarketing calls; Assemblyman Otis identified that he has a bill pending that would help toughen the law's enforcement.

Senator Latimer highlighted that only a few weeks remain in the state legislative session, so it was crunch time for ideas and issues to get proper hearing and advancement, or else have to wait to be acted upon early next year…and that meant it was the critical time for people to share their opinions immediately with their state elected officials, as well as with the Governor.

Catherine, Steve and George left for a second Coffee stop in Mamaroneck at The Nautilus Diner – an afternoon session -to meet with residents from that area; Senator Latimer and Assemblyman Otis will next join forces on Saturday, June 21st in Port Chester at the Seniors Center, for more strong coffee and strong opinions."


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