RMS Students Score Perfectly on National Latin Exam

Rye Middle School is pleased to announce that four students have received perfect scores on the National Latin Exam. Sara Brizio (grade 8), Francesca Murdoch (grade 7), Isabelle Oktay (grade 8), and Nicole Papert (grade 8) are the first RMS students to earn flawless scores in at least two years.

Of over 154,000 students who took the test, Sara, Francesca, Isabelle, and Nicole are among 1,833 perfect scorers. Eighth-grade Latin teacher David Perry explained that this is no easy feat, as the test is not specifically aligned to the curriculum and it is very difficult for students to answer every question to perfection.

The National Latin Exam is developed by a group of teachers in the Washington, DC/northern Virginia area, under the auspices of the American Classical League, the national association of teachers of Latin and ancient Greek. Although the exam is not required, Rye teachers encourage their Latin students to take on the challenge each year with the prospect of earning awards.

Students qualify for awards by scoring higher than the national average. Sara, Francesca, Isabelle, and Nicole will receive special certificates with hand-lettered calligraphy. Congratulations to these students and their teachers, Mr. Perry and seventh-grade Latin teacher Mark McWilliams, on a job well done.


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