The news cycle is pretty slow here is Rye in August…
So we thought we'd profile some of the 55 projects on Rye City's capital improvement plan. These are projects (not a budget) of costs greater than $15,000 that are on a recommended plan for the 2015 – 2019+ time horizon.
Read the entire plan (starting on page 4) or tell us what you thing of the various projects are we profile them:
Project Name: City Hall Generator
Project Type: Building
Department: Public Works
Project Priority: Moderate
Project Start Date: 2015
Project End Date: 2015
Estimated Project Costs:
Engineering/Design $17,500
Construction $357,500
Total $375,000
Sources of Funding: 2015
General Revenues $281,044
Grants & Aid $93,956
Project Need/Issues:
During emergency situations City Hall is open and used as an information center and warming center. City Hall currently has no back-up power to keep it running during power outages. An onsite generator
will allow City Hall to remain open during power outages. The generator will also keep the signal at Boston Post Road and Purchase Street operational. The City received a grant for the generate; however
additional funding is required to relocate a retaining wall and preserve limited parking at City Hall.
Operating Cost Considerations:
The generator will require diesel fuel to operate; therefore, there will be some increase in fuel costs.