Rye Man Dead, Hypothermia May Be Cause

A 31 year old man who lived with his grandmother was found dead Friday during our regions terrible cold spell. According to PIX "Authorities are calling Stewart’s death “suspicious,” but Chief Richard Conway  says there were “no outward signs of violence.”" (see story).

LoHud's account does not reference suspicious behavior:

PORT CHESTER – Police are looking into the possibility that hypothermia led to the death of a man whose body was found behind the Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary School on Friday morning.

Emery Stewart, 32, a village native, was found by Port Chester police after they were called to the parking lot of 134 S. Regent St. at 7:27 a.m. on a report of an unconscious man. Chief Richard Conway said that officers and medical personnel found Stewart's body partially clothed. Stewart lived with his grandmother in Rye.

Conway said people in the final stages of hypothermia sometimes tear clothing off.

Read the full story at LoHud.


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