Rye Schools Repo Vacation Due to Snow

Snow days are fun… until they are not. There has been enough of a snowpocalypse in Rye this winter that Rye City School District has to "repo" vacation days, starting with April 6th, the second Monday of the Spring Break school vacation.

No doubt many Rye residents have firm travel plans for this time since it is only a month away.


Here is the official statement:

Dear Rye City School District Parents and Guardians –

Mother Nature has not been kind to us this year. We used our three allotted snow days in January and February. Regretfully, yesterday's closing left us one day short of the State-mandated 180-day school year. 

Please note that school will now be in session on Monday, April 6. Any students not in school that day will be subject to the District's absence policy, information about which can be found on the home page of the District website, or by clicking here. Any questions about individual attendance records should be directed to the front office of your student's school.

I regret any inconvenience this may cause, but our schools must fulfill the 180-day State requirement.

Here's hoping spring is around the corner!


Frank Alvarez


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