Rye Grad Curlen Found Dead, Report Says Alcohol Poisoning

Marisa Curlen

(PHOTO: Rye High grad Marisa Curlen)

Rye has lost another young person. New 12 is reporting Rye High grad Marisa Curlen was found dead at her college early this morning. The cause appears to be alcohol poisoning:

"RYE – A Rye High School graduate was found dead in her dorm room at James Madison University in Virginia.

Sources tell News 12 that Marisa Curlen, 20, died of apparent alcohol poisoning at the Harrisonburg, Virginia school. The sources say that Curlen, a second-year student who played on the volleyball team, was found dead between midnight and 8 a.m. Friday…

Curlen is the third graduate of Rye's 2013 class to die while in college. No foul play was suspected in the two other deaths."

See News 12.


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