Hidden Fire Hydrant Caused “Several Minute Delay” in Hillside House Fire Response

The Rye Fire Department says a hidden fire hydrant caused a "several minute delay" in a recent house fire on Hillside Avenue in Rye that displaced a family. The Rye FD is urging Rye homeowners to clear the brush around all hydrants.

RFD Hidden Hydrant HIDDEN

(PHOTO: Hydrangea or hydrant? A life saving hydrant is hidden in the brush. Photo from Rye FD.)

From the Rye FD: "In the winter we ask people to remove snow from fire hydrants so they will be accessible, in the summer we ask you not to hide hydrants in bushes and flowers. Firefighters know where the fixtures are, but we lose valuable minutes clearing branches and plantings to attach a hose. Lost minutes mean less water and a fire becomes more aggressive.

RFD Hillside Hydrant CLEARED

(PHOTO: Ah, that's better. Hydrant is clear and accessible so Rye FD doesn't waste time helping all of us. Photo: Rye FD.)

Recently on Hillside Avenue, a lightening strike caused the attic of a house to ignite. The first officers on the scene used a chain saw to clear a hose path from the nearest hydrant. A 5-inch line, the largest we carry was needed. We saved the house, but the buried hydrant, caused a several minute delay in getting water on to the roof of the house.

The Rye Fire Department dates to 1886 and is staffed by volunteer and career fire fighters. The department answered over 900 alarms last year. Volunteers are always needed and appreciated. All training and equipment is supplied by the department."

Contact the Rye Fire Department if you are interested in volunteering.


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