Rye Football’s 42-12 Win Over Harrison: Video & Wrap-up

Final wide shot IMG_6358

(PHOTO: The crowd for The Game.)

Rye took the 87 year rivalry to a .500 score after vanquishing Harrison 42-12 on Saturday. MyRye.com has a few videos and an excerpt from LoHud.com's write-up.

(VIDEO: Rye runs onto field.) 

Final the OG IMG_6359

(PHOTO: The Old Garnet announces The Game.)

(VIDEO: Final seconds of Rye Harrison game.) 

LoHud.com on the game:

"RYE – From the day he became Rye's coach in 1976 until Saturday morning, Dino Garr and his Garnets had chased Harrison for control of Westchester County's premier football rivalry. There had been moments good, bad and in between over those four decades, so no one understood the significance of Saturday better than Garr.

For the first time since 1974, Rye drew even in its famed all-time series with Harrison. The Garnets finally reached .500 with authority, throttling the overmatched Huskies 42-12 at Nugent Stadium to win for the 14th time in their last 15 meetings.

"It’s great," Garr said after Rye tied the series 42-42-3. "It’s been a long, long haul to get there. I hope it keeps up. But I know this game and the momentum can change quickly. Now we’re even. Hopefully next year we can pull ahead.""

Read the rest.

(VIDEO: Rye football players run into the Blind Brook to celebrate.) 

(VIDEO: Rye players celebrate in the brook and chant "42-12".)


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