Rye High Scores at Science Olympics

RHS Science Olympiad Winners

Rye High School sent three teams of 15 students to the Regional Science Olympiad on Saturday, February 11. Each team competed in 23 events in pairs of two and came away with some great results. Congratulations to the group, and to their coaches, RHS science teacher Amy Leahy and RMS technology teacher Brian Rodefeld.

Ecology Event – 2nd out of 45 teams: Emma Dempster (10) & Charlie Madigan (10) 

Disease Detective Event – 3rd out of 45 teams: Lucy Liu (11) & Gillian Leung (11) 

Microbe Mission Event – 3rd out of 45 teams: Samantha Ross (12) & Gillian Leung (11)

Ecology Event – 4th out of 45 teams: Becca Daniels (11) & Nicole Francis (10)

Wind Power Event – 5th out of 45 teams: Ashley Palermo (10) & Pranjal Srivastava (10)

Dynamic Planet Event – 9th out of 45 teams: Jonathan Lloyd (10) & Sara Brizio (11)

Chemistry Lab Event – 9th out of 45 teams: Lucy Liu (11) & Sara Brizio (11)

Helicopters Event – 9th out of 45 teams: Gus Rodriguez (12) & Greg Schoeman (11) n


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