Social Media at Rye Middle School a Mess, Cops Called

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A social media mess at Rye Middle School has prompted administrators to call the cops.

From school boss Monahan: (we) " learn this weekend that some individual or group of people posted “brackets” on an anonymous website that rated middle school students in inappropriate ways".

Not cool.

Here is the note:

"Dear Rye Middle School Families,

At Rye Middle School we often talk about how our actions affect others and how important it is to treat each other with respect. Assemblies, conversations, and individual counseling often focus on the effects of social media, and we discuss how important it is that we use contemporary technology appropriately. It was very disappointing for us to learn this weekend that some individual or group of people posted “brackets” on an anonymous website that rated middle school students in inappropriate ways. The information was upsetting and hurtful to several members of our “family.”

While it seems clear that this happened outside of school, we have made efforts to get the information removed and have reported the situation to the police. Meanwhile, we are talking to our students about the issues of respect that such actions raise. We know you regularly have similar conversations with your children and we encourage you to continue to do so. RMS social workers, psychologists and other staff are available to you for additional support.

On a related note, I hope many of you will join us to watch Screenagers on March 16 beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Center. The movie will be followed by a discussion moderated by RMS Social Worker Peter Green.

Feel free to contact Dr. Edwards, Mr. DiGiovanni or me if you have questions.
Brian D. Monahan, Ph.D."


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