Heard in Rye This Thursday: Understanding Gender: Raising Open, Accepting and Diverse Children

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Understanding Gender: Raising Open, Accepting and Diverse Children

Team Finch Research Project Video from Team Finch Consultants on Vimeo.

(VIDEO: See a video of Jennifer Bryan, Ph.D. and her Team Finch consultants.)

Jennifer Bryan, Ph.D.
Thursday, November 16th 2017 – 7:30pm
Rye Middle School – multi purpose room

Join author and educator Jennifer Bryan and her co-panelists, Genevieve Weber, Ph.D. and Dr. Aron Janssen, MD for a presentation and panel discussion on gender diversity. The speakers will explore how gender diversity shapes our communities and how parents play a role in supporting their children in developing a strong sense of self. 

Admission is free.

Heard in Rye is generously sponsored by the parents' organizations of public, independent, and nursery schools in Rye City, Rye Neck, Rye Brook and other neighboring communities, as well as the Rye YMCA, the Rye Youth Council, Rye Police Benevolent Association, and Wainwright House.


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