Cuomo Threatens Rye Again with Long Island Tunnel

Governor Cuomo is at it again.

Cross Sound Link 11-2007

(PHOTO: If the City of Rye is not vigilant, this will be your new front lawn, spewing with 80,000 cars and trucks from Long Island each day.)

The governor is looking to re-ignite a proposal to burrow a tunnel from Long Island across the Long Island Sound, spewing traffic wherever the tunnel makes landfall. And one of the target destinations to receive these thousands of trucks and cars is Rye – in part because of the easy access to the I-95 and I-287 interchange.

Cuomo Pushes Tunnel on Rye

(PHOTO: Cuomo, during State of the State, pushing his tunnel plan.)

Cuomo made mention of the plan in his recent State of the State address, and the NY State Department of Transportation released a "Request for Expressions of Interests" at the end of last week. This all comes after a state feasibility study was released in December.

What do you think? Post a comment below. will be asking our local officials for their opinions.

This is not new.

Efforts to build a Long Island Sound crossing date back to 1957 and included efforts by Robert Moses to push the plan, ultimately killed in the 1970s.

Then more recently in 2007 Garden City Long Island developer Vince Polimeri put forward a plan to build a tunnel that received uniform local opposition. Back then, State Assemblyman Steve Otis, then Mayor of Rye, told the local paper "I believe this proposal would have a devastating impact on all of Westchester by clogging the I-287 corridor and I-95 to parking-lot conditions."

Both Otis (see here) and then State Senator and now Westchester County Exec George Latimer (see here) have made statements opposing the tunnel.

Cuomo was back pushing the tunnel again in 2016

Want to know more?:

Map from request doc

(PHOTO: Compared to other earlier visualizations including during his own State of the State, last week's "Request for Expressions of Interest" document issues by the State clearly shows the tunnel arriving right at Rye's doorstep.)

Read the Request for Expressions of Interest issued last week.

Read the NY State feasibility study from last December.




  1. NY state finances are utterly bust

    The flight of companies and wealthy to lower tax states intensifies as the inward flow of poor and illegals looking to milk the state’s overly generous welfare system is the replacement

    Trump’s new tax plan openly reveals NY’s out of control spending problem but rather than address this , Cuomo seeks to double down with massive pork barrel nonsense we could never possibly afford let alone need

    Get ready to follow CT and IL into bankruptcy

  2. While both Cuomo & Otis are separately appealing their federal convictions on multiple counts of fraud, new NYS Governor Bharara will cancel further studies & expenditures on this unaffordable public-union fantasy project.

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