In Quiet Rye, Man Stabs Older Brother

If you missed this one, things got pretty crazy last Thursday in Rye when a 25 year old man stabbed his brother.

Stabbing Rye PD commishto

(PHOTO: Rye PD Commish gives NBC 4 the low down on the stabbing.)

According to LoHud:

"The suspect was having a "mental episode" during a domestic incident, police said, so his name wasn't released but he was charged with second-degree assault, a felony, and menacing, a misdemeanor. Additional charges could be added police said.

The incident started around 8:50 p.m., when the suspect ran from his home to the home of a clergyman, who knows the suspect.

His brothers followed him into the clergyman's Boston Post Road home, police said. When they tried to restrain him, the suspect grabbed a 13-inch butcher knife and stabbed his brother under the armpit, according to police."

Stabbing bloody car

(PHOTO: News 12 showed the vehicle with the victim's blood visible in the passenger seat.)

Rye Public Safety Commissioner Michael Corcoran told LoHud that a fast acting Rye officer Chris Salguero probably saved the victims life by stopping the bleeding quickly. 


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