Poetry, Out Loud, for Rye High

Rye High Poetry

(PHOTO: RHS Juniors Anastasia Liodori and Tess Greenhaw.)

Back on February 5th, Juniors Anastasia Liodori and Tess Greenhaw represented Rye High School at the regional Poetry Out Loud poetry recitation competition at Purchase College.

Anastasia Liodori was named the runner-up at the regional competition and was chosen to represent Rye High School at the New York State Poetry Out Loud competition at FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) in New York City on Friday, March 8.

Poetry Out Loud is a national recitation contest created by the National Endowment for the Arts and the Poetry Foundation to encourage students to learn about great poetry through memorization and recitation. Congratulations to Anastasia and Tess, and their teachers Christen Klewicki and MaryEllen McGuire.


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