Rye School Bond “NO” Vote Narrows to TEN

Rye City Schools are reporting the school bond, defeated yesterday, was even closer than reported Tuesday night. The "NO" vote prevailed by ten – 10 – votes only. (Previous reports had a gap of 18 votes.)

See the school district correspondence below:


From: Eric Byrne 
Sent: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 
To: Rye City School District Recipients 
Subject: Updated RCSD Capital Bond Proposal Vote Result

Dear Rye Community,

I am writing to share the updated results of the Capital Bond Proposal vote. After counting all of the affidavit and eligible absentee ballots, the vote count now stands at:

1,478 No
1,468 Yes

These are the voting results the District will send to the State for certification. Thank you.

Eric Byrne, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools


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