Getting (Food) Scrappy, 24/7

Food scrap recycle Rye

Hungry in the middle of the night? You know to use GrubHub or another app to address your craving.

Staring at a pile of food scraps in the middle on the night? Have the sudden urge to recycle? Come on, we know you do…

Good news – the Rye food scrap recycling program drop off site in now available 24/7. So cancel that night out, tell the kids they need to wait another twenty minutes before you pick them up, and get scrapping people:

Drop-Off Site Opening Times:

Monday – Sunday 24/7
Location: FSR drop-off site, Department of Public Works,141 Oakland Beach Avenue, Rye (by Sterling Field).
Alternative Sunday Drop-Off Site through September 1st: Sunday 10am – 12pm, Rye Farmers Market (located in the parking lot on Theo Fremd Avenue behind the Purchase Street stores).
If you haven't already registered for the City of Rye Food Scrap Recycling pilot program, click here to sign up and start scrapping: register here.
Specific questions? Email [email protected]


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