“Our American Flag” Display in Rye Until Friday, September 27th

Organized by Westchester County, the “Our American Flag” display is in Rye until next Friday, September 27, 2019.

Flags RFR 1

(PHOTO: The flags and interpretative board at the Rye Free Reading Room.)

The display consists of three flags – the Bennington flag, the Betsy Ross flag and our current American flag. It also gives the history of our flags, providing viewers with information about the Flag Act of 1777 and procedures surrounding proper care. It was created by the county last November as a way to honor our veterans and our flags.

For the next two weeks Rye residents won’t have to travel far to see the display. It’s currently located at the Rye Free Reading Room and will be there until this Friday, September 20. From there, the flags will move to the Damiano Recreation Center, where they will be on display until next Friday, September 27, 2019.

You are read a copy of the interpretative board with flag history and care instructions.



  1. We are proud to have launched this display, traveling across the County, to honor our nation’s Symbol of Patriotism, the American Flag.

    George Latimer
    Westchester County Executive

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