The OG on Rye Football: Fox Lane @ Rye – Friday, October 25 @ 7:00PM Kickoff

By the OG


Fox Hunt on Campus



Picture this.  The Year is 1550 in the jolly ole English countryside.  Men mounted on horseback leave the manor house and gamble into the fields.  Hunting dogs are released yelping in anticipation of the action, while a cool mist from the abutting loch enshrouds the landscape.  


Fast forward to 2019 for Friday night’s Section One Class A Quarterfinal Playoff match between the Rye Garnets and the Fox Lane Foxes.  Rye High School (castle) with its collegiate gothic architecture stands gracefully at the Parsons Path/ Post Road intersection.  The Garnets leave the paddock (field house), navigate the drawbridge (Walsh Bridge) over the moat (Blind Brook) and encounter the foxes (Fox Lane) in the meadow (Nugent Stadium turf).


Not since 1980, thirty years ago, have the Garnets mounted their steeds in search of fox pelts.  In the wild the vulpes longevity is a scant three years – meaning that ten generations of foxes have passed before this hunt.  The scorecard in the burrow reads 3-2-0 (.667) in favor of the hunters, but Garnets beware of these cunning, conniving, nocturnal omnivores.  Don’t be fooled by their cute triangular face, pointed ears and bushy tail, or the FOX LANE FOXES will steal this game right from under your snouts.  They are extremely fast (30 mph), possess keen eyesight for catching passes, and have excellent hearing as the Garnets bark out signals.


The Old Garnet has seen these foxes as far back as the 1960’s and the initial Rye/Fox Lane hunt.  He calls it Garnets 33 – Foxes 14.


Fox Lane @ Rye – Friday, October 25 @ 7:00PM Kickoff


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