Rye City Coronavirus Update – as of Monday Evening

Rye City published another COVID-19 update Monday night. Per our earlier report, the city confirms there is "one confirmed case" in the city.

The pieces of the notice that would seem to impact residents the most are:

  • the City's playgrounds and skate park will be closed;
  • Rye Golf Club will open on Thursday as scheduled, but indoor facilities will be limited and some restrictions will apply;
  • Rye City Court is closed by order of the State Office of Court Administration. Matters will be adjourned or referred to White Plains, with online services available for certain purposes.

Full notice follows:


"Coronavirus Update – March 16, 2020
Post Date: 03/16/2020 9:30 PM
Most municipalities in Westchester are now showing one or more cases. The City of Rye has one confirmed case.

As the concept of "slowing and diminishing the wave" of anticipated cases has gained greater currency, your City finds itself faced with more difficult mandates from senior levels of government, some of which I mention below. Your City government recognize how challenging the day-to-day is becoming – with increasing health, family and financial concerns for many residents. We appreciate your cooperation and patience.

The Governor has ordered restaurants and bars (except for take-out and delivery), gyms and casinos to be closed after 8 pm this evening. At the moment, the definition of "gym" for this purpose may be unclear, but I hope that those with facilities that are common-sensically relevant will take note.

The Governor has asked local governments to reduce staff in the office. Our staff is lean to begin with and substantially composed of "frontline" personnel. We will do our best to comply without substantially compromising services. Most City services are available online and City staff is available by phone to answer any specific questions.

The Governor requests that social and recreational events be limited to not more than 50 persons for the next 8 weeks. The President asks that we avoid groups of more than 10. These requests will have an effect on many events on the City's spring calendar. Specific notices will follow as we sort through the impact.

As expected, the County declared its state of emergency, a formality that allowed some schools to close, but that otherwise has had no immediate effect.

The City is taking the following related actions:

– Although recreational fields, tennis courts and open spaces will remain open for now, the City's playgrounds and skate park will be closed.
-Rye Golf Club will open on Thursday as scheduled, but indoor facilities will be limited and some restrictions will apply. Specific information on facility changes will be communicated to members this week.
-Our City Court is closed by order of the State Office of Court Administration. Matters will be adjourned or referred to White Plains, with online services available for certain purposes. Please go to the following link for more information: https://ww2.nycourts.gov/courts/9jd/emergency.shtml

I understand that none of this is welcome news. Previously, I asked that we all take special care of those most at risk, the elderly and those with certain pre-existing conditions. I repeat that request and ask as well that we all take special care of each other – recognizing that we are all carrying the burden of these unusual times.

Mayor Josh Cohn"


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