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HomeCurrent AffairsRye is 47th Best City in USA - Survey

Rye is 47th Best City in USA – Survey

This and a couple bucks will get you a hot cup of coffee…

But good news – Rye is the 47th best city in the USA, according to a survey by 247wallst.com. The survey-happy web site reports:

"47. Rye, New York
> Population: 15,862
> 5 yr. population change: +0.4%
> Median household income: $180,958
> 5 yr. avg. unemployment: 3.9%

Rye is a small city in Westchester County, New York, just north of Manhattan. Due to its proximity to New York City, Rye residents have access to a wide range of public transit options, and only about 60% of commuters in the city rely on a personal vehicle, compared to about 90% of commuters nationwide. While the cost of living in Rye is higher than in most of the rest of the country, incomes are also high. The typical household in the city earns $180,958 a year, about three times the national median of $60,293.

Like other high income areas on this list, Rye is one of the safest places in the country. There were only 6 violent crimes reported in the city in 2018, or 37.4 per 100,000 people, roughly one-tenth the national violent crime rate of 380.6 per 100,000."

Of course, part of the trick as it relates to Westchester is Rye is a city (not a town or village and god forbid not a hamlet…). There are only six cities in Westchester with Rye being the smallest. The others are Yonkers, New Rochelle, Mount Vernon, White Plains and Peeksill.

See the methodology of the survey.


  1. 47th Best City in USA and our hometown Congressional candidate Catherine Parker calls out resident as “bully” on social media.
    Heal the Harbor: A Facebook post yesterday about Catherine Parker. Read it to the end, it’s very telling. Is this the person we want in Congress????
    Tom Murphy: If you live in the 17th Congressional District I hope you can support Catherine Parker. She has been an excellent County Legislator and will be a great Congressperson.
    Congress Like Page
    Yesterday at 1:38 PM • Petitioning is underway! We got our first voter signatures last week in Chappaqua and are in the field right now with volunteers. This is what earns us our plac…See More
    30You and 29 others
    Toni Ryan: I will surely support Catherine Parker. She has served us well as our County Legislator and I think she is the best candidate to be our Congress member. Go Catherine!!!!
    Joe Tafuri: I could not agree more!
    Ray Tartaglione: Tom I have to disagree, once again Catherine Parker was not the right person to lead locally and she is surely not the right person to lead us in Congress. Here is why:
    Hillary Short: Catherine Parker is an incredible politician. The 17th district will have a politician who has strong leadership skills, understands all the issues facing the district, always shows dignity and isn’t divisive, truly develops strong relationships with all the residents. Shows up to everything big or small. I am sad we will lose her as our legislator. Once she goes to congress let’s hope we find a woman legislator that possesses all of her incredible qualities. I donated yesterday to get her months numbers up. Her campaign always needs money. On a personal note when I was struggling with loneliness and depression Catherine reached out privately and invited me to an event as her guest. She is a wonderful person. ????❤️
    Catherine Parker: Hillary, thank you so much for your donation, and thank you for such a beautiful endorsement – you’re a sweetheart!
    Catherine Parker Thank you Tom Murphy!
    Ray Tartaglione: That is so interesting that Catherine Parker would read and comment on this post and not address my comments about her protection of polluters and failure to enforce health codes on Hen Island.
    Catherine Parker has showed up on almost every Health Department inspection of Hen Island since she has been a County Legislator. What other County legislator shows up to a Westchester County Health Department inspections and tells the complainant (me) in front of the inspector that “I must have had issues when I was a child” and that is why I complain about the health issues being ignored in Rye.
    If I worked for the County as a health inspector, I would think a Legislator was my superior, if not my boss. Seems like a direct conflict of interest or I would think Ms. Parker was directly trying to influence the Health Department inspectors. What other Departments does she inappropriately influence?
    In this day and age especially today dealing with Corona virus there are plenty of democratic candidates that place the protection of public health and safety ahead of their own political gains and are also well suited for this position but Catherine Parker is not one of them.
    Catherine’s actions risk the lives of our children, the elderly, our families and our pets. The only way to make sure politicians like this are not elected or re-elected is to expose them and their actions or lack thereof. This is gross governmental negligence where public health and safety are concerned and it’s been going on for years thanks to Catherine Parker.
    PREVIEW: “Hen Island- A Documentary Film”
    PREVIEW: “Hen Island- A Documentary Film”
    Catherine Parker: Ray, you are a bully. Studies have shown most bullies were bullied themselves as children. It seems clear to me that you fall in that category. You neglected to mention that I brought representatives of the Sierra Club with me. You may not like that your narrative against the owners of Hen Island lose credibility when I do my job, the WCDOH do their job, the Sierra Club does its job, but you can’t bully me to stop. We see you.
    Ray Tartaglione: Bullying really?????
    This is what I found when I googled: “false claims of bullying”
    Typically, these false claims are coming from employees who are under-performing or have a fear of losing their job. All-in-all, these malevolent claims are lodged with the intention of damaging reputation.
    So, I am pointing out issues of neglected health and environmental concerns in Rye that you have tried to conceal and you as a congressional candidate accuse me of bullying instead of debating the facts. I don’t think that is the type of candidate most want to represent us in Congress!
    But let’s stick to the facts;
    Four weeks ago on Facebook I had a brief exchange with George Latimer our well respected County Executive. His post was about whistleblowers and I posted one of the videos similar to what I have posted here. His response is copied below:
    George Latimer: The County has failed too… so far. But we’re not done yet
    Ray Tartaglione: Thanks George. You truly get it. That’s why you are so good at what you do. Progress not perfection.
    To George’s credit, he does get it. But obviously you don’t. Not only do you not get it but you are one of the main enablers that have allow these horrific conditions to perpetuate for over a decade.
    In 2007 the Westchester County Environmental Enforcement Unit lead by Ron Gatto Sr. (now retired) conducted an inspection/ investigation on Hen Island. Officer Gatto’s report has been suppressed and whitewashed since then. He was transferred off the case (because of his honesty and because he was going to close the Island down) and instructed not to speak about it. Now that he is retired, I am sure he will be happy to discuss it openly. Feel free to question officer Gatto about it as his Facebook page is linked to this post. I have linked it below for our congressional voters pleasure. Now we see you!
    Opinion: Catherine Parker’s Two Faces on Rye Public Health
    Opinion: Catherine Parker’s Two Faces on Rye Public Health

  2. Perhaps Parker thought the verbal and mental abuse of a WW II hero by the City of Rye while she was on the Rye City Council would never be brought up again. She was wrong. We will never forget Bob Schubert and the way he was treated by Parker and the City of Rye. This is her legacy. Shame on Parker.
    Parker has chutzpah calling anyone else a bully after the way she and the City of Rye treated Mr. Schubert.


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