The Osborn Home in Rye Suspends All Visitation, Including Families & Guests

The Osborn retirement community in Rye has suspended all visitation on its campus including visits from families and guests. In a notice we read on its web site Friday, The Osborn is reporting no known cases of COVID-19.

The notice:

Osborn Home

"To All Residents, Families, and Visitors:

First of all, let me assure you that we have no known coronavirus cases on The Osborn campus and that we have implemented ALL guidelines recommended by New York State Department of Health.

As you know, we we received a directive from the Governor’s Office and the Department of Health to suspend all visitation on campus until further notice. This includes family and other resident guests. Since many of those who have been infected with the virus, do not show any symptoms, this has been done in order to reduce the risk of the virus entering our community.

This is necessary based on the susceptibility of older individuals, particularly those with underlying health conditions, to the virus and heightened risk of developing serious illness.

Access to the campus is currently closed at ALL gated entrances except for the main Theall Road security gate.Security personnel is manning the gate to ensure the no visitor policy is being adhered to.

We understand that connecting with family members is extremely important and we are in the process of expanding access to opportunities to communicate via Skype and Facetime.

Finally, and as always, we will notify you immediately in the event of any change in your loved one’s condition.

Please help us to protect your loved ones and our staff by contacting others who are likely to visit and letting them know about these restrictions.

If you have any questions or concerns about this or any related matters please do not hesitate to contact any of the staff members listed at the bottom of this page.


Matthew Anderson
President and CEO"


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