VIDEO: Advice from The Osborn’s Centenarians

Each year The Osborn home holds a Centenarian luncheon to celebrate those residents who have made it to the 100+ year old mark. Sage advice as well as touching and funny stories were shared at this year’s luncheon on April 14th. Happy birthdays to these remarkable women and men.
Take a listen:
Ann Unger, age 100, talked about how her family tried unsuccessfully to send her to Israel for sports competition (and to stay) during the rise of the Nazis in Germany and how then “I was very fortunate to come to the United States”. She recalls arriving by ship in New York Harbor and passing the Statue of Liberty – “it was the best”
When The Osborn CEO Matt Anderson asks Patricia Jacobs, age 100, over her lifetime what was she most amazed about she says “The computer. I also had a cell phone like everybody has here but I threw it out the window because I could not stand talking on that cell phone.”
When The Osborn CEO Matt Anderson asks Patricia Jacobs, age 100, what she did to become 100 years old, she says “I always answer the truth: exercise, exercise, exercise.”
When The Osborn CEO Matt Anderson asks Louise Levy, age 112, asks for her best advice and she says “be truthful and honest and kind to the other people – will that do? Does that help you?”
When The Osborn CEO Matt Anderson tells Harry Fleisch, age 103, how much he enjoys working at The Osborn and how is like one big family, Fleisch quips “do they fight like family?”.
Mary Becktoft, age 100, talks about working at The Osborn in the 1970s and 80s when there were only 75-85 residents. She also spoke about canoeing, working with young people and enjoying the outdoors.
Barbara Jackson, age 100 talks about how much she has enjoyed traveling the world “It’s a great thing to see how other people live and enjoy life and what goes on in the world and why they can’t be happier.”
The 2023 Centenarian Luncheon at The Osborn: When a Dozen 100+ Year Old residents Sing Happy Birthday.