55 COVID-19 Positive in Rye (as of Sunday 4/5/2020); Deaths in Westchester Jump to 197 (as of Saturday 4/4/2020)

George Latimer Westchester County with a Face Mask on April 4, 2020

(PHOTO: Rye guy and Westchester boss George Latimer wearing a face mask.)

Deaths in Westchester County jumped to 197 on Saturday, April 4th, 2020 according to data released by the state. That stands in stark contrast to the 71 total deaths reported by the county on Friday.

Meanwhile, the county is reporting a total of 55 positive COVID-19 cases in Rye as of Sunday April 5, 2020), up from the 50 reported just yesterday.

New York State now has a COVID-19 tracker that will show you updates down to the county level (as of this writing it does not track down to the municipality).

covid-19 westchester county map 2020-04-05



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