Resident Comment on Mental Health Impact of COVID-19 in NY Times

We have all started talking about the mental health impacts of coronavirus and being “together apart”. In fact recently a few local mental health professionals offered no cost phone sessions to local Rye residents.

Mental Health Corona

Earlier in April New York Times columnist David Brooks asked readers to tell him about the impact of coronavirus on their mental health. Over 5,000 readers sent responses. Brooks picked a handful to share including local resident Lise Christensen Godvin:

“‘Feeling overwhelmed and weepy’
Our three grown children have all moved home. I am the glue that keeps everyone together, but I am feeling overwhelmed and weepy because I can’t boost everyone up from their fears, disappointments and anxieties. I’m feeling useless, and that is depressing to me, in addition to my own fears about getting sick. After 27 years of putting every family member’s needs in front of my own, I am sure I need to see a therapist. I feel like I’m finally cracking and I don’t even know why. — Lise Christensen Godvin, Rye, N.Y.”

We agree with Brooks these comments are brave and thank Godvin for sharing.

See the rest.


One Comment

  1. Almost everyone is not wearing a face covering at Rye Town Park where we should be able to breath fresh air and walk safely to keep healthy and strong.
    What will be done about it?

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