Welcome to the Storytelling Project, Episode #5 with Rye Author Kate Stempel

Welcome to the Rye Free Reading Room & MyRye.com Storytelling Project, Episode #5!

RFFR MyRye.com Storytelling Project Episode #5 - Rye author Kate Stempel

Over the last few weeks we have asked various Rye citizens – elected officials, city staff, community leaders and local authors – to read a story for the youngest citizens of Rye. Each day, we will share a new story.

Today, Rye author Kate Stempel reads Todd Parr’s It’s OK to Make Mistakes. Stempel is the children’s book author of Sprinkles, as well as a health coach, wife and mom. A resident of Windcrest Road, Stempel has lived in Rye since 2013

Enjoy the video and be sure to subscribe to our newsletter to be notified of new episodes & other Rye news.

Prior Episodes:

Episode #1 with Rye Mayor Josh Cohn reading Todd Parr’s The Peace Book.

Episode #2 with Rye Author Annabel Monaghan reading Sophie Blackall’s Hello Lighthouse.

Episode #3 with Rye Rec’s Sally Rogol reading Jane Godwin’s Red House, Tree House, Little Bitty Brown Mouse.
Episode #4 with former Rye Mayor Doug French reading Peter Brown’s Children Make Terrible Pets.


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