Expecting Election Results – Rye Board of Ed Meeting: Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Remember ballots for the school budget and school board are due Tuesday at 5pm (see our prior article). MyRye.com will carry the budget and board of ed voting results as soon as they are available. The schools are trying to gather and announce results Tuesday night, but have also indicated it may be Wednesday before results are available.
June 16, 2020 Board of Education Meeting*
Annual School Budget Vote and Board Trustee Election
* (if necessary) June 17, 2020 Special Board of Education Meeting
The Rye City School District Board of Education will meet Tuesday, June 16, 2020 beginning at 7:00 P.M. via video teleconference. Meeting participation will be available by using the following link:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3311
Access Code: 349-498-509
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On the agenda are fiscal, special education, personnel and business items that ordinarily come before the Board. In addition, at approximately 10:00 p.m., the Board will adjourn to hear the results of the School Budget Vote and Board Trustee Election.
Beginning at 6:00 p.m., it is anticipated that the Board will meet in Executive Session for the review of the employment history of current and prospective employees, negotiations pursuant to the Taylor Law, review of current litigation and litigation strategy.
Live streaming of the canvassing of the ballots can be viewed beginning at 5:00 p.m. by using the following link:
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (646) 749-3112
Access Code: 183-339-981
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Should canvassing of the ballots need to be continued to Wednesday, June 17, 2020, the Board of Education will meet at 7:00 p.m. to declare the results of the Annual School Budget Vote and Board Trustee Election.
Please join my meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone.
You can also dial in using your phone.
United States: +1 (872) 240-3212
Access Code: 626-160-757
New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts:
Questions about the Budget? Please submit all questions to Feedback@ryeschools.org