Update: Bear vs. Police TASER
Everyone is fine, including the bear.
Rye PD has been monitoring the black bear originally sighted in Rye on Friday.
The police department posted an update on social media Monday morning reporting a close encounter Saturday night. “A resident and her dog had a close encounter on Saturday night – a Rye officer was able to shoot the Bear with a TASER shotgun (non-lethal),” said the post. “The bear has not been spotted in the area since.”
The PD says the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation has indicated that the bear’s activity is normal and general non-aggressive.
If you see the bear do not approach- slowly leave the area- do not run- if you can not leave make as much noise as possible and wave your arms appearing larger. Remove all food sources- bird feeders/pet food/garbage cans.
Call Rye PD if you see the bear: (914) 967-1234.