Rye Schools Statement on Race & Equality

The Rye School District and Rye Schools Superintendent Eric Byrne released a statement on race and equality to MyRye.com Monday afternoon. A school spokesperson said it is expected Bryne will further address the issue at the school board meeting Tuesday night.

An online petition by Rye High alum Zachary Gaouad (RHS ’19) calling for “racial awareness and diversity within the Rye High School student body and faculty” has over 8,000 signatures as of Monday afternoon. Change needed in the Rye schools was one of the many topics addressed in the Black Lives Matter march and speeches in Rye this past Saturday.

Here is Byrne’s statement:

Dr. Eric Byrne, Rye Schools 1

Race and equity are incredibly important topics that must be addressed by schools and communities. I am so impressed by the courage and leadership being shown by our alumni and students as they challenge all of us to do better. It is never easy to share painful experiences with others and it is upsetting to know that experiences in school may have caused pain. School should be a sanctuary where students learn, grow, and develop in a comfortable, safe environment.

The Rye City School District is committed to providing a school environment that is inclusive, just, and focused on equality for all. As such, it is incumbent upon us to begin a conversation that explores the issues of racism, inclusivity, equity, and community. This critically important discussion will not be easy and may be emotional for many. The Rye City School District will create the space and structure to begin these conversations. Our administrative team is working to create a public forum to bring representative voices of our community together to tackle this important issue.

Below, please find the District’s civility statement which we recently shared with parents/guardians.

Eric Byrne, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools, Rye City School District

Civility Statement

We strive to promote a culture of civility and caring in all aspects of our community life and beyond.

We recognize, without judgment, the inherent dignity and worth of each person, group, family and organization.

We believe that all interpersonal exchanges, even adversarial ones, can be conducted with mutual respect.

We aspire to be part of a community that is rooted in acceptance, inclusion and compassion.

We accept the need for honest self-reflection and the obligation to hold ourselves accountable for our words and actions.

We commit to acting with integrity and living as observable models of positive civic behavior.

Ref: 8 NYCRR§100.2(c)(2)

Adoption Date: July 1, 2013


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