Remembering Our Rye Neighbors Lost on 9-11
(PHOTO: This 9-11 memorial plaque on the side of the Rye FD Locust Avenue headquarters building was dedicated on September 11, 2008.)
Today marks the 19th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. We take a moment to remember all those lost on that day, including fifteen Rye residents, neighbors & family.
We remember 9/11 first responder, Rye husband and father Kevin Nolan who we lost just last year.
Our fifteen Rye residents, neighbors & family lost on 9/11:
▪ Thomas Crotty
▪ Benjamin Fisher
▪ Yugi Goya
▪ W. Ward Haynes
▪ Takashi Kinoshita
▪ Gary E. Koecheler
▪ Teddy Maloney
▪ Francis N. McGuinn
▪ Robert McLaughlin, Jr.
▪ Christopher D. Mello
▪ George W. Morell
▪ Sean Gordon O’Neill
▪ Thomas A. Palazzo
▪ Michael J. Simon
▪ Allen V. Upton
The Rye 9/11 Memorial gazebo on the village green: