Giving Rye: Meet Rye Professional Firefighters (Local 2029)

Giving Rye is a new occasional feature highlighting non-profits and community groups in and around the City of Rye. Today meet Sal Inguanti of The Rye Professional Firefighters (Local 2029).
Your Name: Sal Inguanti
Organization: The Rye Professional Firefighters Inc., DBA 2029 Fundraising
Your role: President Tell us your organization’s mission.
Inguanti: As members of the Rye Professional Firefighters, we have dedicated our careers to protecting and serving the great City of Rye, particularly during extremely challenging and unforeseen crises and events. When considering the mission behind our charity, it was important to us that this intrinsic principle of helping those who need it when they need it most, remained consistent – even if unexpected. With this, the purpose of our charity is to raise funds to support local individuals and organizations on an as-needed basis. We have a rolling grant application process that locals can take part in, and a formal selection committee, made up of both firefighters and Rye residents, to determine which causes will be funded and supported.
How long have you operated in Rye?
Inguanti: We, as members of Local 2029, have been doing fundraising and supporting local charities for decades, donating well into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. It was decided, however, that we would be more effective if we formalized our efforts and created a 501(c)(3); that was completed in September of 2023, so we have been operating as a formalized charitable organization for a little over a year.

What programming or work in Rye is the organization best known for?
- We will host our first ever St. Patrick’s Day Ball on March 8th, 2025 at Harrison Meadows Country Club following the success of our Cinco De Mayo party last May where we raised net proceeds of $60K. The Fundraiser will include a seated dinner, live auction, Irish entertainment, open bar, DJ, and dancing.
- Additionally, we hold our annual Fill the Boot in December as well as our annual Candy Cane Run.
- Since the inaugural fundraiser last May, 2029 Fundraising has awarded grants to a number of worthy local causes including but not limited to: the Rye Recreation Camp Scholarship, a financial assistance program making summer camp accessible to those living in Rye with limited means; Wainwright House’s Fonrose Cottage Refurbishment Project; and The Rye Free Reading Room.

Looking forward to 2025, what will be your top initiatives?
- In our first year as a formalized charity we have been working hard to raise awareness about our 501(c)(3), Rye Professional Firefighters Inc., doing business as 2029 Fundraising. Coming into 2025 we aim to continue to inform members of our local community about our grant application that is available to any local organization or individual in need.
- Our top initiative for the year will be our St. Patrick’s Day Ball at Harrison Meadows Country Club on March 8th, 2025. This will be our biggest fundraiser to-date and will help to replenish the fund after a successful year of giving. The proceeds from this fundraiser will ensure we have the means to continue to provide support to local causes throughout 2025.
Tell us about the population you serve and how they can get involved with your programming and services.
Inguanti: We serve any organization, group, or individual in our local area, with the word local being somewhat nebulous. Like in the Fire Service, our primary concern is our immediate community, however we are also responsible for the wellbeing of our surrounding communities since emergencies often take more than one department. Our organization is very much in line with that way of thinking, Rye and our surrounding communities are our priority. We have sponsored sports teams, community events like the Rainbow Run, tuition to Rye Rec Summer Camp, the Rye Free Reading Room, Friends of Rye Town Park, just to name a few.

Are you a 501(c)(3) non-profit with tax exempt status?
Inguanti: Yes, we are a 501c3.
Looking back across 2024, what were your organization’s top achievements?
- Our Cinco de Mayo party was a great success. We raised net proceeds of $60K and had attendees from all across the community.
- We had a number of requests for grants this year, which is great as it means awareness of our organization is growing in the local community.

How can local residents support your organization?
Inguanti: We accept monetary donations year round). They can also sponsor portions of our St Patrick’s event, happy hour for example, or donate goods or services to our auction that night. Also, they can buy a table or individual tickets to the dinner and come meet us and get to know the folks providing their fire protection. Ideally, we’d prefer they do all three, but anything is greatly appreciated.
The best way to support us right now is to attend our St. Patrick’s Day fundraiser on March 8th. Exclusive tables and sponsorship packages will go on presale in December, and general tickets will be available for purchase starting Thursday, January 16, 2025.
We are also accepting donations to our live auction. Last year’s popular auction items included a table for four at Rao’s, a private sightseeing flight around New York, golf rounds at exclusive clubs, and vacation rentals.
We are incredibly grateful to the local businesses like Carpet Trends and Lorono Homes who supported us by purchasing tables at our last fundraiser. We would love to welcome more of the local businesses to the party in March 2025.
What local Rye residents and area businesses have been the longest, steadiest supporters of your organization?
Inguanti: Rob Rogers from Carpet Trends was the first person to buy a table at our first Cinco De Mayo event in 2023 and has always been part of our annual golf outing.
Tell us about you:
How long have you been in your current role?
Inguanti: Two years ago I threw out the idea at one of our union meetings that we should have a big “gala” type fundraising event, and so it began. Last year with the help of other union members we formalized being a 501 c (3).
Is the role full time or part time? Paid or volunteer?
Inguanti: This is a volunteer role, it is part-time but feels like it’s a full-time position leading up to our event. Fundraising is on my radar and I’m always looking for opportunities to stay busy. My full time job is a firefighter for the City of Rye, we work 24 hour shifts so the schedule varies every week.
How would your friends and family describe you in one word?
Inguanti: Skillful
Where did you grow up?
Inguanti: I was born in Yonkers, moved to Eastchester when I was seven and graduated from Eastchester High School.
What is your favorite unimportant thing about you?
Inguanti: My favorite unimportant thing about myself has to be my knowledge of drag racing. Most people have no idea that I have worked as a crew member on both Top Fuel Dragsters and Nitro Funny Cars that go 300 plus MPH in 1000’. When assembling a race engine under pressure there is little room for mistakes because the results can be catastrophic.
If the next five years is a chapter in your life, what is this chapter about?
Inguanti: The next 5 years I want to enjoy seeing my kids grow and enjoy the small moments. As a firefighter, I will be almost halfway through my career and would like to have honed my skills to have others look to me for guidance.
What would you do if you were not afraid?
Inguanti: Fear is subjective, going into or on top of a burning building. If you are not afraid, you are complacent which is dangerous.
Where do you live in Rye and how many years have you lived in the City?
Inguanti: I moved to Rye in 2005 and live on North Street.
Thanks Sal.
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