Latimer Weekly Briefing: (5 New) 245 COVID-19 Positives in Rye; 1,462 Westchester Resident Deaths – Tuesday, October 13, 2020

George Latimer COVID-19 briefing October 13, 2020 -- 1

(PHOTO: Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer during his October 13, 2020 press briefing.)

(Updated 9:15pm)

For Tuesday, Westchester reported an unusually high five (5) new COVID cases in Rye. Here are all the City of Rye numbers:

245 total COVID-19 cases since inception;
9 active COVID-19 cases (this assumes the remaining 236 have run the average two week contagion cycle and are no longer active);
5 new COVID-19 cases.

Rye guy and Westchester County boss George Latimer held his weekly COVID-19 briefing on Tuesday due to the Columbus Day holiday Monday. Latimer spoke about keeping an eye on the rising COVID numbers in the County. After his own potential exposure last week that caused Latimer to postpone the State of the County address, Latimer quarantined and was assigned a contact tracer. Latimer mentioned Thursday, October 22nd as the new planned date for the State of the County address.

Given the high COVID number in Rye for the day, we also got in touch with Rye Mayor Josh Cohn, who told “Rye appears to be seeing an uptick, though even with that uptick we have only 9 active cases. The contact tracing corps is at work trying to find sources and limit spread, and the City will work with State and County to do just that. The most important work though belongs to each one of us: wear a mask or socially distance, wash hands, avoid touching your face. Simple stuff, small stuff, but it adds up.”

Just like everyone else, county executives look at the NY State COVID-19 tracker for county and state level statistics on the pandemic and at the NY State regional  monitoring dashboard to see our progress towards continued reopening.

Important to note expanded reporting now shows fatality data from all nursing homes in the State, including The Osborn in Rye.

The COVID-19 numbers:

Fatalities of Westchester residents: 1,462
Fatalities at Westchester nursing homes – The Osborn Home in Rye is reporting six (6) confirmed COVID-19 deaths and six (6) presumed COVID-19 deaths thru October 12th (that’s no new confirmed deaths since the prior update). There is no data from Rye Manor or Vienna Senior Housing.)
Fatalities in Westchester: 1,596
Numbers of persons tested: 741,087
Tested positive: 39,064
% Positive results: 5.3%
Persons tested today: 4,990
New positives today: 63




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