Rye Video Blogger Keeps Providing View into “Pandemic School”

Lesley Lachman on News 12

(PHOTO: Lachman appearing on a News 12 special about COVID and schools.)

Rye High School video blogger, Lesley Lachman, has another update of her video diary on her experience of “pandemic” school in Rye.

In her newest video, Lachman talks about going out for the field hockey team and then being cut from the team. COVID-19 restrictions have forced athletic programs to make cuts – or more cuts – than would be typical.

“In COVID when you can control absolutely nothing the one thing I could control was my body and making sure I was ready for field hockey season,” says Lachman in the video, then wondering out loud: “Will this effect me getting into college?”

Lachman also appeared on a live News 12 special on “pandemic school” saying “I really, really want to stay in school,” she says in part, referring to in person learning. “I just really need this.”

Both videos were made before Friday’s announcement that Rye High School is going 100% remote for two weeks due to COVID-19 cases. We imagine Lachman’s next video will be from her “COVID bunker” at home.

Lachman’s latest vlog:

The News 12 special with Lachman

See prior vlogs with Lachman.


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