HELP NEEDED: Operation Pass the Gravy


Operation Pass the Gravy, a local effort started by residents Lynn Halpern and Colleen Margiloff, is arranging to feed homebound seniors a Thanksgiving meal this coming Thursday.

As Halpern related to, many of us will be having a smaller Thanksgiving, so why not still make that bigger meal, and donate part of it to lower income, homebound seniors who will also be spending the holiday socially distanced from friends and family.

Eighteen Rye families have already committed to preparing over 150 Thanksgiving meals that will be delivered to Kingsport Housing for the Elderly in Port Chester and Rye Manor on Theall Road this Thursday. The group is actively looking for more support–here are three ways you can help:

  1. PREPARE DINNERS. Until Tuesday at 5pm, families can sign up to prepare five (5) individual meals* for Thanksgiving that will be picked up from your front doorstep on Thanksgiving day between 4-5pm. (*the group is asking for meals increments of five (5), but you can make as many as you like). You will be provided individual containers to package individual meals that must contain the following: Turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, veggie of your choice, cranberry sauce, and a roll (you will receive further instructions upon sign-up). The organizers will provide gravy and a dessert.
  2. DRIVE TO PICK-UP AND DELIVER MEALS. Drivers are needed (sign-up) on Thanksgiving Day at 4pm for approximately one hour to pick-up and deliver meals.
  3. DONATE $20 TO PURCHASE A THANKSGIVING MEAL. The group will also be purchasing some of the Thanksgiving meals from Jerry’s Post Road Market. If you’d like to make a donation, meals cost $20/each and you can venmo colleen-margiloff.

The group is receiving guidance from Sue Wexler at the Bread of Life in identifying local seniors in need of assistance. If you know of a senior in need of a Thanksgiving meal in our immediate or neighboring community, please send a request to [email protected].


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