Police Blotter: Not Prime; Ducks, Limited; Egg & Cheese on a Roll with Trespass; Checked Bag & More

The police blotter is a highlight of recent activity from the City of Rye Police Department.

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Trash Panda. November 12. Claremont Avenue. Animal Acting Rabid. Caller reports raccoon acting rabid. HOMEOWNER GIVEN TRAPPER INFO, TO RETRIEVE RACCOON ON PRIVATE PROPERTY. 94.

Home Rundown. November 12. Midland Avenue. Open Door. Spoke with contractor yesterday who stated that the home will be torn down. Home is vacant, all belongings removed. Door left open most likely by contractor yesterday. Door has a broken window and cannot be secured, only closed at this time. 98.

Not Prime. November 12. Magnolia Place. Dog Complaint. FedEx driver states he was bit by a dog.

Power Nap. November 13. Milton Road / Parsons Street. Suspicious Vehicle. Delaware temp tag xd______ parked and occupied. Driver was tired and needed to rest. Did not observe operating vehicle. Cab was called for driver. PA ID.

Ducks, Limited. November 13. Greenhaven / Long Island Sound. Environment Conservation Comp. At approximately 1030 hrs, responded to a report of people hunting waterfowl “out of season”. Upon arrival, canvassed area but did not see any vessels or people engaged in hunting. Expanded search area with negative results. While returning to base, encountered NYS Encon Police who stated they found the subjects at the Mamaroneck Harbor boat ramp, and issued summonses.

Idle Minds & Cars, Hazardous Waste. November 14. Playland Parkway. Property Check. At approximately 0907 hrs, noticed high volume of traffic congestion at entrance of Playland due to recycling event. Notified event organizer to open event to relieve congestion.

Send Reinforcements. November 14. Marine Unit Building / Milton Road. Property Check. At approximately 1000 hrs, noticed stone column at Milton Road entrance was collapsing. Placed cones and caution tape to block area. Duty Sergeant notified DPW & Boat Basin Supervisor.

Egg & Cheese on a Roll with Trespass. November 14. Milton Road. Trespass of Real Property. Caller reporting youths with skateboards trespassing on Boston Post Rd side of Blind Brook Lodge. caller stated they visit Jerry’s Market then hang around on blind brrok lodge property with their skateboards, then cut through the property and head over to the skate park. PO Gomez Disp. youths asked to stay on the Jerry’s side of the property line.

Could Have Been The Swan Song. November 14. Boston Post Road / Overdale Road. Animal Complaints-Other Animal.  Caller complaining of swan in roadway. PO Cyr Disp. ANIMAL NATION EMPLOYEE ON SCENE & TRANSPORTED SWAN TO BETTER LOCATION. 94.

Are You Kidding Me? November 15. Palisade Road. Suspicious Person. 3 persons shooting bow and arrows, cars 12 and 11 sent. PARTIES ARE ON PUBLIC PROPERTY. Back up car 12.

Bet The Owner is in Distress Too! November 15. Playland Cove, Long Island Sound. Vessel In Distress. Vessel aground.

Unplugged, Again. November 15. Multiple Locations – Wind Storm. power lines down, assisting Rye FD, trees down, sparking wires. Tree down on house on Grace Church Street. Report of wind breaking tent in front of Poppy’s Cafe.

Flotsam and Jetsam, Large. November 16. Milton Harbor / Long Island Sound. Property Check. A floating dock is washed up onto the Marshlands, boat basin supervisor notified. Vessel NY 3943 EL, on a mooring, has a damaged Bimini, message left for the owner.

Honey, the FD & PD Are Here for Dinner. November 16. Stonycrest Road. Assist Rye Fire Department. Rye FD made entry through open front door on fire alarm. they request police officer to scene. car 16 sent. FD DID NOT NEED TO FORCE ENTRY, FRONT DOOR WAS UNLOCKED. SMOKE CONDITION CAUSED BY A POT OF FOOD LEFT ON THE OVEN. 10-98.

Checked Bag. November 16. Milton Road / Park Lane. Assist Citizen.  RYE FD STATES THAT THEY HAD A RESIDENT REPORT A SUSPICIOUS SUITCASE LEFT OUTSIDE AT ABOVE LOCATION. Suitcase left outside for someone to have for free. Owner removed it from sidewalk and will dispose of it properly.

Trashy Behavior. November 17. Boston Post Road. Assist Citizen. caller advises her neighbor is dumping in a protected wetland. car 12 assigned. SPOKE TO THE CALLER, DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE ANY VIOLATION IN PROGRESS, APPEARS TO BE A CIVIL ISSUE OR A PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ISSUE. TOT BUILDING DEPARTMENT.

Rocky Experience. November 17. Marine Unit Building / Milton Road. Assist Citizen. Walk in states sometime between the evening of 11/16 and the morning of 11/17 his vessel, a 26′ Sea Ray, went missing from Cove Island. 11/17/2020 13:20:35 SeaTow states the vessel was on the rocks and was removed overnight. Owner notified.

Anchovies. November 18. Sunrise Pizza / Purdy Avenue. Assist Citizen. Employee of Sunrise Pizza called to complain about a woman who is bothering customers. Spoke with owner of Sunrise. Canvassed area with negative results.

Great Community Policing, Thank You. November 18. North Street. Assist Citizen. PO Anjo is assisting with a party who is lost. Party’s name is Betty ______. She is driving a 2015 black Honda Accord. Ms. _______ this even got lost traveling home to MT Vernon. I stayed with Ms. _______ until her son Kevin arrived. 98.


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